Knowing the generations that make up today's society will open our minds and give us a greater understanding of their tastes, needs, and their relationship with the world.
Learn about these 13 aspects of the Millennial generation that will surprise you
1-Generation Y, also known as Millennials, are the evolution of the previous litter better known as Generation X.
As a reference, the year 1984 is seen as the beginning and 1994 as the outcome, that is to say, they are currently between 24 and 34 years old. They are preceded by Generation Z or Centennials (1995-2010 generation) and later by the Alfa generation (born from 2010 to 2015). This generation became adult during the turn of the century and experienced unique changes in a very fast way.
2-It should be noted that the definition of Millenials fits this generation under certain cultural characteristics, race, schooling, and social class.
In general, they are young Westerners, who live in cities and developed urban centers, of middle class and with college experience. They were born in countries with free democracies, in socio-cultural contexts of opportunities and in a container family nucleus.
3- By living and developing in a world with internet already imbedded, they have the ability to navigate with great ease on the Web.
They use emojis, hashtags, selfies, snapchat and memes to communicate between peers and the world. It is a generation characterized by hyper-connectivity, the need to express oneself openly, without taboos. They perceive technology as essential to broaden their horizons, communicate, and establish relationships with others. This way of life weaves into itself a security and a self-reference that allows them to transform the world and evolve such as 90% of them use social networks like Facebook or Instagram.
4-Millennials prioritize emotional ties, for them best friends are family.
They value personal opinions and preferences over truth, reason, or science, so valued in modernity. They have great multitasking capacity that means an alternative to linear and structured thinking. The brain of millennials has the ability to change from one task to another and integrate information faster than previous generations. They are more predisposed, than older consumers, to switch from a TV series to social networks, without losing the plot of the series they were watching.
5-They value environmental care and responsible consumption
6-They are less religious than previous generations.
7- They have a tendency to become frustrated more quickly
8-In general, this generation is not very optimistic about the possibilities.
They are disadvantaged in relation to their parents and grandparents in terms of opportunities that define the traditional model of adulthood: emancipation, economic independence, formation of a family, purchase of a home, stability, among others.
9-Among the women of this generation there are young women who have chosen to postpone their motherhood.
They turn out to be young mothers while being adolescents or there are those who excluded motherhood from their life plans by choice.
10- The issues that most concern them are: war, terrorism and political tensions, hunger, health, inequality and corruption.
11- n relation to work, young people of this generation chose to leave the conventional system of work in order to be independent.
Either through entrepreneurship or alternative work systems such as network marketing, they use this model, which consists of marketing the products through a network of distributors which implies economic independence and belong to a generation without bosses. Millennials are apart from previous generations who gave their whole lives to a company and preferred to retire in it.
12-In general, they grew up in families that stimulated them.
They probably made them feel important, they possess a delayed maturity, and a brain development more adapted to competitiveness and narcissism.
13- Millennials are more intuitive and creative.
Their emotional focus is developed in multimedia communication and has a more global and integral view of problems. Based on neurosciences, it is observed that this generation has a greater development of its right cerebral hemisphere, a place where human abilities reside.
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