Discover the energies and their influences in December, a month of much movement. The stars can help us understand a little more about the universe that surrounds us in this month.
The arrival of the month of December proposes a unique energetic renewal. These are particular days and moments for each being to connect with those longings and desires of life.
The influences of the planet Jupiter will begin to be perceived by the middle of the month. Definitely for December 20th this planet reaches the house of Aries, deriving in a whirlwind of vitality and development of multiple ideas and dreams.
Likewise, the Sun will reach the house of Capricorn on December 21st, which together with the new Moon in the same house, will help and facilitate the realization of a fair and necessary annual balance for each person.
Remembering that this type of moments will help us to improve the objectives of the new year, but without being so demanding with what we did not achieve during 2022. Rigorousness can be counterproductive for some people and their astral configurations.
Bringing hope, light and good omens for the new cycle that will begin will help you to be more positive and we can also thank the arrival of Jupiter that will show us all the good that surrounded us and will surround us in 2023.
What will December bring for FIRE signs?
Aries: If there is good news for this sign is that from December and almost all of 2023, the energies you receive will help you connect in a more optimistic way with everything you project.
Jupiter will help you to expand the necessary energy to focus on new projects and to finish those pending ones that bother Ariana's head so much.
You will notice that during this month and in the course of 2023 scenarios and situations already lived in your past will present themselves. Depending on how you have resolved them (or not), you will have the oiled tools to move forward in your conquest. Jupiter visits the houses of each sign every 12 years. If you remember what was going on in your life at that time, you may be able to connect with dreams and decisions that were internally embodied in your being.
December will help you reorganize formal matters in your life, papers, procedures, documents and everything you need to start a new challenge and personal projects.
Leo: The entrance of Jupiter in Aries will also favor Leo, since both possess a base of fire in their energetic composition. It will favor very closely in the work and professional aspects during 2023.
Depending on the area where you develop your life, you will have many achievements: depending on whether you are a student, athlete or a person who is undertaking a business of your own. This December will be propitious to plan trips to destinations you have dreamed of your whole life, this 2023, you will be able to make it happen.
If you focus, this new year could be something special, since you have all the necessary condiments to culminate stages, and to materialize important achievements in your life. Graduating from a career, achieving professional recognition, opening a store in your city. Whatever you really long for is about to happen in 2023.
The Sun will enter the house of Capricorn on December 21st with a big question mark on the horizon. Certain responsibilities that you will have to fulfill cannot be avoided. Do not let this influence your health, since many times our symptoms and our body tends to set traps for us.
Sagittarius: The arrival of Jupiter in the house of Aries will be shared with Sagittarius thanks to its energetic base of fire. You will feel a higher energy from December 20th, where the door to love or renewed sensory experiences will open.
Sagittarius, you must give priority to your health, to the care of your person. Feeling balanced will allow you to move forward in life in a different way. Romanticism will be present from December onwards, take advantage of this boost if you really want to deepen your feelings.
The year ends with many issues on track, but others pending. Learn to prioritize situations and scenarios in your life, not all are emergencies or forest fires.
The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, influences will appear in the plane of finance and home economics. Perhaps it is time to understand if what you do for a living is really something you long for, if it comes naturally to you or if you are suffering from the way you earn your "bread".
What will December bring for EARTH signs?
Taurus: With the arrival of the planet Jupiter in the house of Aries you will have to be very patient during December. These influences will be felt throughout this month and for most of the new 2023, with demands on your goals and plans.
Remember to take advantage of what is left of this year 2022 to make the necessary balance but without particular demands. Connecting with your honesty, your truths and your inner needs will allow you to better understand that during 2023 it will be almost all uphill.
Some ups and downs of 2022 will continue during December and the new year, but you should focus Taurus on the fact that whatever you manage to fertilize during 2023, you will be able to reap in 2024 with much more.
December is the right time to give closure to all those ideas and activities that do not generate pleasure or add something interesting to your life.
During the change of the Sun in the house of Capricorn, from December 21st you will perceive that you will be more connected with your interests and with topics of a political, religious or deep philosophical nature...
Virgo: The arrival of Jupiter in the house of Aries is the gateway to a 2023 in astral plenitude. Your passion for what you like will be bathed by a unique, intense Jupiterian energy, full of decision alternatives and opportunities for change in your inner being.
It will be like an energetic cleansing, trying to make an exchange between the past, the present necessary for the construction of a prosperous future. Much pain will heal in this 2023. You will have a very clear opportunity in the work field by the end of December, it will depend on your desire and your courage to take that leap.
Love will be very active, particularly on the level of sensory experiences. You will seek to feel new things in your heart and in your past experiences in life. Forget those bad drinks forever and bet on the future of a healthy and lasting bond.
On December 21st the Sun will reach the house of Capricorn where all its energy will drag you down to earth.
From this moment and during 2023, you will begin a phase of spiritual exploration of your inner self that will be necessary and just to banish those fears that bind you to the past. You will have enough energy to give space to love, the one that really does you good Virgo.
Capricorn: with the arrival of the planet Jupiter in the house of Aries, you will have a feeling of family reunion and hospitable communion in your house. If you have as a desire or future project the construction of a home or formalize a relationship with a cohabitation, you will have the wind at your back to face this challenge.
Your roots will be favored with the arrival of Jupiter, since your mother or father, your closest environment, will be present. If you have plans to form a family with your partner, you will be in a suitable moment from the energies.
On December 21st the Sun finally arrives at your house, feeling a unique peace and emotional balance. You have almost everything under control, your days are flowing and the energy in your being is flowing.
If you really want to take a leap, an evolution as a person, you will have the opportunity to put together a healthy eating plan. A life more connected with your body, with sport and natural living. Healthy body, healthy mind, always remember.
What will December bring for AIR signs?
Gemini: The arrival of Jupiter in the house of Aries will be liberating, an energetic revolution and positive expansion. During your year Gemini, you managed to cultivate and deepen all that you projected. The year 2023, will be of a sufficient and prosperous harvest to feel fulfilled. All the decisions of changes that you have in your mind require very important maneuvers that need planning and maturation time.
This transit of the planet Jupiter will help Gemini to resignify and give a new definition to all those situations, scenarios, links and problems that arose during the daily path. You will be able to transform them and overcome everything that before meant a burden on your back. There will be things on the way, but it is part of the evolution that you need.
The Sun's entry into the house of Capricorn on December 21 st will provide a higher energy coming from Mercury. Take advantage of its impulse to communicate with clarity some questions or concerns that exist in your mind. Clear doubts, you will have moments and tools necessary to heal.
Libra: The arrival of Jupiter in the house of Aries, will show you your complementary opposite with new opportunities that will appear throughout 2023. You will have to be very attentive Libra, to the people you meet new, to certain contacts you already have from your past, because it will be the key to your future.
If you find yourself in a scenario of conflict, this planet will give you the necessary energies to face that uncomfortable conversation and let go of everything that makes you uncomfortable.
On December 21st the Sun will land in the house of Capricorn, and will help you to dethrone some beliefs about your natural maternal leader. Some natural places in your family will require your presence to be secured, but you will also seek refuge of your own in your closest core of love.
Aquarius: Jupiter rises on December 20th in the house of Aries and will help you connect with the sense of justice and truth. Being honest is something that really helps to balance our emotions, reconcile with that part of our heart will make you feel at peace.
You will have to organize some issues in your life, you will have to prioritize the solution to put aside those energies that occupy unnecessary space in your mind. If you are planning a trip, materializing it will do you a lot of good to feel in fullness with your adventurous being that nourishes your life engine.
Multiple options and diversity of characters will approach your 2023, take advantage of every opportunity to learn from these beings of light that appear in your path.
The Sun arrives in the house of Capricorn on December 21st giving you Aquarius the necessary space to take stock of the year. If you need to be quiet for a few days, meditating on situations or chewing over some thoughts, take the necessary hours of your day to generate a space of inner connection.
If you are about to make an important decision, perhaps you can put cold cloths and wait a little longer, because new energies are coming that will give you another angle and another point of view to analyze everything better.
What will December bring for the WATER signs?
Cancer: Jupiter will arrive on December 20th in the house of Aries illuminating your sector of achievements, objectives and goals. Good time to make that annual balance and feel that you really achieved everything this year.
If you manage to understand that opportunities will begin to emerge for you to make transcendental decisions in your life, then you will have a very prosperous 2023. Some proposals that you never imagined before will come your way. It will depend exclusively on you to be able to ride those waves that appear on the horizon.
Enjoy your moment, celebrate with loved ones, surround yourself with those special people who helped you during this year. Now set your mind with clear and concrete goals for 2023, as it will be a year of much change and much "letting go".
The Sun reaches Capricorn on December 21st, giving single people a chance to meet a special person. On the contrary, for people in couple, who are not going through a good moment and wish to end the story, they will perceive enough energies to face this change from that day onwards.
Escorpio: With the arrival of Jupiter in the house of Aries, we will have a number of job offers and clients that we had never imagined before. If you have had ups and downs in the financial or economic aspect, start preparing yourself because everything will be reversed.
The key will be to get into a routine, a periodic orchestration of your days, your health needs, your spiritual being and your connection with your family and loved ones. If you find yourself in a "bad" moment, when you feel that a well of darkness eclipses your thoughts, it is necessary that in the next 2023 you manage to focus a little light, not much, but the necessary to be able to walk towards balance and peace.
Give priority to your body, to your life, to the inner healing necessary to move forward with new projects. If you continue to make demands on your mind and keep giving everything, you will not be able to really feel what is worthwhile in your journey.
You must make the decision to be your only priority. You must let go of everything that drags you down and feels heavy and lacking in energy.
The arrival of the Sun in the house of Capricorn on December 21st will boost the influence of Mercury in this house as well. You will feel yourself in a more pronounced leadership role, something that suits you as a Scorpio. You will feel that you will shine in a different way and you will be approached by some people who will provide you with opportunities for change. You will sense your essence emerging again.
Pisces: The arrival of the planet Jupiter during this year 2022 helped you day by day to have clarity about your desires and goals. What changes and decisions you should make to feel more aligned with your inner self Pisces. This was thanks to Jupiter passing into the house of Aries on December 20th.
The transformation and expansion of the universe that you went through during this year was amazing. Surely you are beginning to become more aware of all that you learned and all that you achieved in economic matters. Be it independence, new clients, alternative sources, but surely you are on your way to prosper in this particular space. Undoubtedly you have much to be grateful to his transit through your house. You should focus on generating prosperity for your future.
The entrance of the Sun in the house of Capricorn on the 21st of this month, will make you feel with much vitality to socialize and connect with those people who know you best.
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Texto inspiracional sobre el artículo que pueda ser compartido con un fondo o letras llamativas ej. "La Tierra contiene al agua, y revive con la fluidez y sensibilidad que el aporta el agua, surgiendo en mil brotes"