Among his advice are that of not taking a nap, not drinking very cold drinks, preferably warm or hot, not drinking with food, drinking chai tea, meditating twice a day for at least 20 minutes, doing yoga, decrease dairy consumption, wake up when the sun rises and not eat after it leaves. Avoid excesses at all times.
1-Ayurveda is a complementary alternative medicine system. Conceived in India many years ago. Treats the whole human being. Ayur means "life", specifically the longevity of life and Veda means "understanding" or "knowledge" The Rihis s or sages of ancient India meditated in dark caves of the Himalayas studying nature and the universe as a whole. There they formulated the Basic Principles of Ayurveda. It is widely regarded as the oldest form of healing in the world.
2-Ayurveda is based on the premise that disease is the natural and final result of life in harmony with our surroundings. Understand that the symptoms of the disease are the normal way of the body to communicate the lack of harmony. With this understanding of the disease, Ayurveda's approach to healing becomes evident: restoring harmony between the self and the environment.
3-To cure, the Ayurveda specialist must be able to understand the nature of the patient, the nature of the disease and the nature of the resource. Only in that way can a doctor be able to provide the greatest care. Therefore, you have to know the qualities of nature, these are: either heavy or light, cold or hot, fixed or mobile, sharp or deaf, damp or dry, subtle or severe, dense or fluid, soft or hard and cloudy or clear.
The three types of doshas
VATA: It is the governing principle of the movement. It is always moving like the wind and tends to be fast, cold, dry, violent and soft. A Vata person is usually thin, performs his activities quickly, his sleep is light, with a tendency to insomnia. He is enthusiastic, vivacious and imaginative. He has a tendency to be constipated, he tires easily because he usually tries harder. His skin is dry and cold to the touch, his hands and feet cool easily, they love the sun and good weather and can't stand the cold.
PITA: It produces the qualities of fire and water. It is sharp, penetrating, hot, light, fluid, mobile and oily. The main domain of Pitta is that of transformation. Just as fire transforms anything it touches, Pitta is at stake every time the body converts or processes something. Thus, Pitta supervises: digestion, metabolism, temperature maintenance, sensory perception and understanding. Unbalanced pitta can cause irritation and inflammation in these particular areas.
Kapha: They are methodical and thoughtful people, they seem calm and do not stress easily. They have a solid body constitution with soft complexion, thick and oily hair. Appetite and digestion are slow and steady with a tendency to heavy sleep.
5-The key is to find the balance with an integral approach: direct the mind, body and spirit. Ayurvedic remedies are based on modifying the diet, activity adjustments, yoga, breathing and mental harmony techniques, herbal supplements, energy pressure points, oil massages and cleaning processes.
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