The Year of the Ox Will Be Different For Each Sign

For the Chinese calendar, we ended on February 12 the Year of the Rat, and we are beginning the year of the Metal Ox. Last year corresponded to the Year of the Rat, which, being the first year of the Chinese zodiac, is related to great changes, renewal, structural movements, and rebirth. And we will really remember it that way.

This year 2021 will correspond to the Ox, or Buffalo in the Chinese horoscope. This represents effort, order, work, discipline, responsibility; and the strength and perseverance to modify what must be changed.

The Ox does not dream, it works. He doesn't shy away from commitments, he keeps them.

He is not lazy or careless. He is not tempted by frivolity; he is ruthless before her.

He presents us with a year of work, connection with nature, search for balance and abandoning superfluous behaviors.

It teaches us to connect with nature, to return to traditions, to make efforts and obtain real rewards, to cultivate the earth along with the soul.

The Chinese horoscope is divided into twelve animals, and they are attributed to us according to the year of our birth. Let's see what it suggests to us according to the animal that corresponds to us.


What will the year 2021 be like for the RAT? Those born in: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

A strong tendency to create, affirm, dream, and start a family. The Rat is exhausted by the year that has passed, so she should concentrate on her desires, her wishes and save energy to make them come true. The Ox is in tune and will help her to stay safe, reliable, stable, and secure. It will help you to grow, to learn.

You may have job proposals, you should control your anxiety. Be attentive to the signing of documents, if you must take exams do not be distracted, avoid the overload of problems, protect your environment. In spring love blooms...


What will the year 2021 be like for the Ox? Those born in: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.

The protective and hardworking Ox will be the object of attention, something that makes him a little uncomfortable, but the world should observe his qualities. Beware of excesses of authority, develop empathy. The beginning of the year will be difficult, but this does not scare him. You must make decisions, settle outstanding accounts, clean up complex relationships, separate yourself from deceit. Take care of your work, protect yourself from scammers.

When you are tired, remember that you are persistent, perseverance is your strength. In the middle of the year, you will be tired and it is understandable, you carry a lot of weight on your shoulders, you should stop to rest. Beware of your increasing seduction that can bring you problems if you are engaged. Many eyes rest on the Ox, it is attractive.

It is a good year if he does not lose his way and is methodical as usual.


What will the year 2021 be like for the TIGER? Those born in: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

The Tiger is strong and righteous, he can be a leader in his community, but he must submit to the wisdom of the Ox. He must learn that he is not always the center of the scene. He must learn to think more in the function of others and abandon the enormous desire of protagonism that sometimes possesses him. He has gained knowledge in the past year, he has deep feelings, and he will know how to exercise his valuable leadership. For this, it is necessary that you dominate your impulsivity, and you will be able to have valuable roles in your work and family environment.

You need the contact with nature to balance yourself, the limit that the Ox frames you, from the middle of the year friendly relationships will increase. Attention to exceed in the seductive attitudes because they could generate some problems.


What will the year 2021 be like for the RABBIT? Those born in: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

A very good year for the Rabbit, who is always on the move, reinventing himself, updating himself, and moving forward with his purposes. It is sensitive, refined, attracted to art, and is sensual above all.

The Ox supports, protects, and drives you. A good work year, good partners, growth activities, slow but steady. You know how to establish friendly relationships with people, you know how to make them flow, you should not become fickle, this is your weak point. If you persevere in your efforts, you will not have work, a partner, or social conflicts.

You start the year with some agitation due to unresolved issues, you adapt by learning self-care and healthy distance. Ends the year with a sense of fulfillment.


What will the year 2021 be like for the DRAGON? Those born in: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

They are strong, loyal, and honest. They are always present and provide protection, fear nothing, and are masters of heaven and fire. They do not deceive in love, they go through difficulties and provide security to those they love. The Ox frees you from your darkness and opens a place for you on solid ground, you will have work, you will be admired, you must remain safe and stable. Hold your fire. He will have moments of tiredness and must demand to stop and rest, he is strong but not insensitive. The world of today moves and affects him.

Some problems in relationships, you must learn to bond without awkwardness, and protecting yourself. There will be comings and goings, until you understand and build a stable bond, you will go through different stages.


What will the year 2021 be like for the SNAKE? Those born in: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

The Ox will empower the Snake, rekindles ambitions and dreams, there are some frustrations that have hurt, some disenchantment that tinges the mood of every morning... It is time to reformulate plans and bet again. There will be more successful cycles and other calmer ones. Confidence is renewed and this will obtain good results in the work environment, where there is much to be built.

The bonds will become more stable, more affective commitment of the Snake, although it is not very comfortable with expressing emotions. It is a good year to connect with others, individually or in a group. It is a learning that the Snake owes to herself. Around this, there will be unexpected moments of happiness, and it is a time to strengthen healthy family bonds.


What will the year 2021 be like for the GOAT? Those born in: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

Being the complementary opposite of the protagonist of the year: the Ox, it is a very good year for structural changes. Let go of the relationships that work as a burden that prevents you from moving forward, to which you are always giving them a chance.

The challenge of the year is to find a place where your talents are appreciated and to bring about a noticeable improvement in the work environment. This is not always about financial gain; sometimes it has to do with more free time, more harmonious work relationships, passion for the task, and feeling valued.

The Goat must learn to value and take care of itself, the year begins with movement, do not panic, it will stabilize. Avoid conflicts, they do not add up. Harmonious end of the year.


What will the year 2020 be like for the MONKEY? Those born in: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

The Monkey is always in the middle of the water, it is difficult for him to decide and jokes a lot. But at inappropriate times and situations. The year of the Rat that passed was very hard for him, he will seek to be more present for his affections, to stabilize himself, to be calmer. There was internal growth, which was costly for him. He will put it into practice, notably improving his relationships. He will become an efficient and valued partner. He must order himself if he wants to dedicate himself more to his family and affections, which in this year of the Ox appear as a priority.

Take care of your health, there will be more economic slack, but do not waste it. Be patient and do not rush. In the middle of the year anxiety increases, choose activities that calm you and make you feel safe and entertained. Seek balance and flee from the excesses that have done so much damage to you in the past.


What will the year 2021 be like for the ROOSTER? Those born in: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

The Rooster comes from suffering a year that he does not want to remember, many have not yet realized the damage suffered. They want to turn the page and change course, and this year they will.

There are many crises experienced, its aftermath still bothering, so it must reinvent itself, leave behind and start from scratch. You can do it this year with the support of the Ox. You will achieve better stability in all fields. At work, he will be more considerate and taken into account, but he must take the first step and emanate confidence. Being stable and making an effort will bring you double the benefits of what you thought. Trust yourself, your dreams, wishes, plans, and ambitions, and go find them.

From the third month, progress will be noticed. The youngest should be careful not to hurt their partners, be sensitive.


What will the year 2021 be like for the DOG? Those born in: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.

The Dog has an election year on the way and it is not known where he will set the course. This has him restless since he does not want more instability than he experienced in 2020. He is concerned about finances, livelihoods and does not want more insecure times.

He wishes to be free but at the same time, he is cautious. He feels that doubt is holding him back, but he is afraid of taking risky decisions that could harm his loved ones. Instability is the worst thing that can happen to a person born in the Dog sign, that is why, in these times, he has a hard time. You can reduce the risk by avoiding complex situations that make you uncomfortable, do not stand out, do not draw attention to yourself. Stay together, that way you are strong. Do not withdraw from your loved ones or have disputes in the family environment.

Take care of your health and daily work, do not feel you are losing anything, just stop and rest.


What will the year 2021 be like for the HORSE? Those born in: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

Honest, thoughtful, observant, reliable. If he controls his impulses, he is a great companion.

The Ox admires his freedom, and therefore sometimes tries to dominate him. If you are looking for stability, it will be a year of happy surprises. You will feel very well, and the family will be central to your story. There are reunions, changes, processes of reparation of the damage, and wounds. You will feel good as responsible and protagonist of strengthening bonds.

It is not a year for economic gains but spiritual ones, but the foundations are laid for future job growth. Turn inward, nourish the spirit that had a very difficult year.

 Avoiding toxins, eating healthy, and spending time in nature will balance them out.


¿What will the year 2021 be like for the PIG? Those born in: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

The pig is carefree and lives in the now, but sometimes this overwhelms him and turns against him. He is quite misunderstood, and his kindness is sometimes interpreted as a lack of character. This is not true. He must learn to distance himself from aggressive people. Take action instead of being overwhelmed and showing it.

Live in the present, do not dream of greatness, but of well-being because this will be fulfilled. It is time to maintain and deepen the family union, sustain income. Get close to people dedicated to art, it will open your chest with joy. Remember to exercise and eat healthy. Both things make you feel lazy but bring you wellness.

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