The Chinese horoscope tells us that the year 2022 is the year of the Tiger. Do you want to know what the predictions are for this 2022? 

The tiger is considered one of the most beautiful and strongest animals in the calendar. That is why this year will manifest moments and opportunities to renew your spirit and your inner vital energy. This year a 12-year cycle is opening, that is to say, we are recommending a new period. Recall that the Chinese New Year will begin on February 1st 2022.

In addition, in knowing what your animal is to see your horoscope, you should know that each animal can correspond to the five Qi or Chi elements that represent 5 different phases: five symbolic elements of nature, specifically: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. All these elements are combined with the sign.

As metal symbolizes brightness, success, and prosperity, if we join it to the characteristics of the rat (renewal, beginnings, intelligence) we will have a very promising year of innovation, growth, and achievement of objectives ahead.


The Chinese Calendar was created by Emperor Huang Di, known as the Chinese Emperor during the 14th century BC. It was a lunar calendar divided into 12 signs, that signs are ruled by an animal.

This period that begins will be centered on the Tiger, considered one of the most beautiful and strongest animals of the calendar. Therefore, this year will manifest moments and opportunities to renew your spirit and your inner vital energy.

General Predictions for the New Year of the Water Tiger

Adverse climatic phenomena will occur in the world, with very high and low temperatures (depending on the area where you live). The same climatic consequences will occur with long-lasting rains for the Asian and Latin American regions.

In the Caribbean, southern United States and the Gulf of Mexico, hurricanes will form in the regions of the Caribbean, the southern United States and the Gulf of Mexico, which will greatly complicate life in these areas. This could result in the activation of certain volcanoes.

As a consequence of these natural catastrophes, many people will have to migrate and change their place of residence in order to survive.

In the social and individual order, a more rapid awakening of consciousness and citizen participation throughout the world will put some authoritarian governments in check, with a notable participation of women in the spaces of power and leading all kinds of protests.

Modes of coexistence in homes and relationships are radically changed, giving space to an improving dialogue between men and women in some cases. But there will be an increase in cases of domestic violence and armed conflicts around the world.

The updating of laws and structural changes in the States, will allow modifications to be made in schools and study centers, seeking an improvement for the children of the world.

A transformation of the economic system that will help to think of new ways to generate energy (using sustainable energies), connecting better with production methods at a global level.


What will the year 2022 be for RAT?

The rat is prosperity. And it is very possible that this year is completed because usually, everything pending has already ended in the previous year of the Pig. Never underestimate the small achievements, because they will lead you to that place you have dreamed of. It will be an excellent work year. Use your free time creatively: rest and affection should be your key. Good changes in love, but watch your intensity, sometimes you run out

What will the year 2022 be like for the OX?

According to the Chinese horoscope, oxen are reliable and strong. This is sometimes an extra burden. You will be in good health because fate has protected you, but you must start collaborating to maintain it. It will be an excellent work year, and you will continue to grow. It's hard for you to decide on love. You get confused and you get dizzy. Make it simpler, and you'll be happier.


What will the year 2022 be like for TIGER

Righteous, but impulsive. Do not neglect your health as you have been doing, think of yourself. Look for work independence, if it is within your reach. There will be changes, you must use them in your favor. Measure your emotions, enjoy more and react less. Love can run away from you if it fears and mistrusts you. You can find peace and serenity if you work to achieve it.

How will the year 2022 be for the RABBIT?

Fertility, protection, and leadership. Start moving, leave your sedentary lifestyle, it is not in your essence. You will be lucky, with many changes and news. Do not be taken by surprise. Get on top, and there you will hold. If you do not have a partner this will be a year of unions, take the initiative, say what you want, they will listen to you. You must not stand still! Go find what you want.


What will the year 2022 be like for DRAGON?

Passionate and excessive; hardworking and confident. You are from the Emperor dynasty, don't forget it. Use the yellow, gold color. You will fulfill your goals but you must work hard, and we know that you are not afraid of this. Open your heart and trust. Let the right person in. Intense passions must open new paths, or they will die like the lotus in the drought. 

What will the year 2022 be like for the SNAKE?

You glide seductively, but sometimes that is not enough. You will have an exciting year from many points of view. It's time to stand out, use your wisdom and everything will be easier. Don't hide, go out and show yourself, but take care of your independence. Surrender to love. You have already analyzed enough. Take everything with your usual calm, go back and observe, go slowly and the path you follow will open. Don't hurry, but move forward without fear.

What will the year 2022 be like for GOAT?

Creativity is your forte and you've been somewhat slowed. Value your fantasy, do not change your sense of humor. Sometimes you don't feel valued, but you should know that you are fantastic. Calm down, and don't worry about everything. Your work will grow. In love, you are somewhat complicated. Value the silence. Seek calm. Eat healthily. What has to be will be and at the end of the road, you will always be safe. Try telling you that everything will be fine because it will be so.


How will the year 2022 be for the MONKEY?

Ingenious, entertaining, never tires. The year looks very good for you, you are friends with the Rat and the Dragon. Your friends will always go with you, you are very sociable, but you also know how to solve problems. You are very intuitive and observant. You see everything. That's why they respect you. Love is going on its path. Change your style at work, find other ways to achieve what you want. Don't repeat what didn't work. 

What will the year 2022 be like for the ROOSTER?

You are as responsible and organized as efficient and cautious, and you like to be. Be careful to say what you have not been asked. The word inflames hearts. It will be a difficult year because you must adapt and change and it is hard for the Rooster to abandon his routines ... Year of transformations. Take care of susceptibility and vanity. There may be two brakes for you that you like to go fast. No exaggeration this year. You are loyal and you will have company that will appreciate it.


What will the year 2022 be like for the DOG?

This year promises adventures and changes. This is inevitable, direct your life and change will be orderly. Do not deny the inevitable. You will be happy and accompanied, which is not new in your life. You take care of yours and loyalty is your essence. People like you and sometimes this demands a lot. You will have job challenges and growth. Dare for new trails but always be cautious. And take serious care of your health.

What will the year 2022 be like for the HORSE?

Honest and loyal, move forward without fear. Located in front of the Rat in the circle of the Zodiac, they are reflective and observant. Sometimes very confident, do not hurry. Whole and affectionate, adventurous and righteous. Do not be afraid to lose your freedom that will not happen. You know you are loved, and your energy never ends. This year your abilities will help you to progress and overcome the changes. In love... you will be happy.


How will the year 2022 be for the PIG?

So kind and simple that everything goes pleasantly by your side. Enjoying life is not as simple as it seems, but you make it. Serenity and discretion are wise virtues. You are not always understood, but it is not necessary either. Let life flow like the river, fortune accompanies you. Your honesty and trust are enough to face job challenges that you will emerge gracefully. Affection is your strength, they will be when you need it. Learn to rest and take care of your health. The river does not stop, it always changes but continues along its channel.

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