Many people feel that sometimes they have a special, different bad mood, that they don't know how to attribute to any particular situation. We commonly call that "being moonstruck". What is this phenomenon about? We will tell you here!
From the time of the Romans it is believed that the different phases of the Moon affect people's moods. The Greeks held their goddess Selene (the Moon) responsible for the epilepsy attacks suffered by the sick. The Romans used the word “lunaticus” in reference to those who suffer periodically crises.
The truth is that it is common for us to observe mood swings in ourselves or in others. It happens that people usually kind and gentle, wake up irritated some days, in a bad mood, annoyed and annoying, without having an apparent reason, even for themselves.
These mood swings for no apparent reason are those attributed to the lunar influx. And if the Moon influences the tides, the menstrual cycle, the ripening of the fruits, the calendar of the agricultural tasks, the date of the births, the harvests, why not suppose that it also does it with the people and their state of spirit?
Las noches sin luna son las que se suelen detectar mayores situaciones de inestabilidad emocional, es a ellas a las que atribuye esta sensación de “estar alunado”, y es un fenómeno mencionado más habitualmente por mujeres y niños.
It is interesting to see if this happens to us and how often, mark on our calendar the moonless nights and be attentive to our mood.
The New Moon phase, which is when the sky gets dark and we don't see it, is ideal for depuration, detoxifying, going back inside and checking our course. Install our spirit in serenity and calm, and renew strength to continue the path, accompanied by the new light.
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