Find out in the next article What the cards predict about how you will do in love in 2023.

Love possesses a supernatural force that helps us to connect spiritually and emotionally with other beings. We also know that there are some compatibilities between signs that will help you connect better than with others, when it comes to opening the heart.

Remembering that these types of guides and divination arts are small ways to assist us in self-discovery.

In order to make decisions that are a reflection of what is happening to us in our reality, we must always remember that we can rely on various causes and sources before making a decision.

Try using this small guide to Tarot 2023 focused on love and your sign:

Aries: according to "The Judgment" chart, can look forward to a year full of blessings and opportunities, but it is important to be clear about what you want and for what. This will be one of the five luckiest signs of 2023.

Taurus: can expect an exciting year, with many opportunities for love and a great love on the horizon. "The Chariot" card indicates speed and it is important to be careful with promises and commitments.

Gemini will have the opportunity to find true love according to "The Lovers" chart. They will be one of the five privileged signs and will be able to balance love with reason, achieving everything that seemed unachievable before..


Cancer and its associated chart for this year is "The Hermit". According to astrology, 2023 will be a more stable year in love for Cancer natives. Those who have partners will keep them and those who are single will look for lasting and benevolent relationships. This will be a year of great importance for those born under this sign in terms of love and family life, and the fruits of this period are expected to be sweet and satisfying.

Scorpio, whose associated chart this year is Temperance. According to astrological predictions, this sign comes from a couple of intense and difficult years, and karma can make its rigor felt in their love relationships or strengthen existing ties. The year in general will present difficulties in the months of July and August, so it is important to go through this period wisely. Temperance suggests balance and moderation, so it is a good opportunity to reflect on your relationships and find a path of calm and harmony.

Sagittarius, whose sign is The Magician. This year will be a year of opportunities for Sagittarius, who will be able to make their wishes come true and mold a new being in a new world. According to the predictions, they will be the center of attention and will radiate light to signs such as Aries, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Love will present itself spontaneously, and Sagittarius will be able to enjoy it for many years to come. The Magician's chart suggests that this sign has the power to create its own reality and manifest its dreams, so it is a good time to focus on your goals and work hard to achieve them.


Capricorn, whose associated card this year is Death. This year will be a complicated year for Capricorn in all aspects, especially in love. The vicissitudes will be more difficult than usual, so it is important to maintain the persistence and tenacity that characterizes this sign. The best option will be to avoid arguments and recompose existing relationships. Death suggests a deep change and a renewal, so it is a good opportunity for you.

Leo will have its associated card for this year is "The Devil". 2023 will be a year of opportunities to overcome the karmic difficulties you have faced in recent years. If you have acted fairly and kindly, this year will be wonderful, but if you have acted selfishly, it will be time to make amends for your actions. As for love, Leo will have many opportunities to establish lasting relationships, but should be careful with the month of February.

Virgo receives as a card for this year is "The Moon". 2023 will be a year of renewal and transformation for Virgo natives, who have been punished in recent years by disharmonious planetary positions. But, this year, it makes them grow and be reborn, and they are expected to experience a great increase in fortune and love. However, they should be cautious in sharing their plans with others so that they can realize their dreams.


Libra, whose sign is associated with "The Star". 2023 will be a year of blessings and opportunities for those born under this sign, with planets and conjunctions in friendly signs. This will be a great year to enjoy, establish lasting loving relationships and grow spiritually. It will be a very productive year of renewing transformations.

Aquarius: The chart associated with this sign in 2023 is The Force. Astrology indicates that Saturn entered Aquarius early this year, which will free Aquarians in the second decanate from the bondage they have been experiencing for the past three years. In addition, Jupiter from Pisces will support important decisions in love around mid-year, which could lead to more stable and lasting relationships for Aquarians.

Pisces: The chart associated with this sign in 2023 is The Priestess. Astrology indicates that this will be a testing year in love for Pisceans. If they are in a stable relationship, they have the opportunity to maintain it and grow it, but it also opens a portal for new emotional attachments that will last more than two years. Jupiter is in Pisces this year, which means it will be an auspicious time for new beginnings in love and many other areas of life. In addition, women are expected to be a great companion for Pisceans this year.

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