What is the link between this date and Astrology? Why does it always coincide with the Full Moon? We show you in the following article.
Transcendental Coincidences
Easter is one of the most important celebrations in the Christian world, and it always coincides with the full moon in late March or early April. Why does this happen? The answer is simple: the date of Easter is set according to the lunar calendar.
Passover, which is celebrated at the same time of the year as Easter, is one of the reasons why this celebration always falls on the Full Moon. Passover is known as Passover, and celebrates the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. Jesus' gathering with his disciples to celebrate Passover was the first Maundy Thursday in history, and it also took place on the night of the Full Moon.
How the Full Moon will affect each sign
The Full Moon is a phase of the moon that we can observe as particularly bright and full, and which occurs because the Earth is located exactly between the Sun and the Moon. This phase is known as the "Worm Moon" because it has an alignment with the thawing periods in northern hemisphere countries, at which time worm colonies also emerge from the surface.
The energy of initiation that empowers us during the Full Moon is channeled through gifts of leadership, drive and passion.
Depending on the person, we may perceive a sense of ease in these types of moments, finishing consolidating decisions into actions (along with a voracious drive). But there are certain people who will feel just the opposite.
The Full Moon will also affect each zodiac sign differently.
For Pisces, this transit will generate moments of romanticism, increasing emotions and sensations, and generating a sense of unique artistic creation.
Cancer and Capricorn natives will have the ease and opportunity to make changes in their lives, while Taurus will experience a transit towards a free and independent feeling, gaining fluidity in moments of creativity.
Scorpio will go back and forth between moments of tension and liberation, which implies a rebellion or confrontation with someone, although it can also be against something specific.
It will be a difficult time in which radical positions will be protagonists. On the other hand, the Full Moon will allow Aquarius and Leo to make changes in their daily lives, although impatience will be at the surface.
Gemini and Sagittarius will have due to the Full Moon sensations of density and difficulty, due to the presence of Neptune in the last degrees of the second decan and the first degrees of the third decan. Their energy will be in a nebula of mystery in the mind, which will lead them to live days of chaos, disorder and a somewhat winding path.
For Libra and Aries people, the energy of the full Moon does not influence their natural energies in any particular way.
This means that they can go about their daily activities without worrying about the moon's influence. However, it is always a good idea to be aware of the energies around you so that you can make the most of them and avoid any negative influences.
The full moon is a very powerful phase in which to tap into energies of initiation and leadership. Depending on the person, there may be a sense of ease at these times, while others may feel the opposite.
In addition, the full moon always coincides with Easter, due to the fact that Passover always falls on the night of the full moon. While the influence of the full moon is similar for all zodiac signs, each sign may experience it differently.
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