The "Strawberry" Super Moon has arrived to bathe us with its energy.
Are you already thinking about what to give at these festivities? We want to help you with some suggestions based on the features of each zodiac sign. A sure way to surprise everyone and take all the applause!
Both Tarot readings and Palm line readings give us key information about our lives.
June surprises some planets retrograding and the super strawberry moon. Want to know how this will affect your sign?
Differences between Online, Telephone and Face-to-Face Tarot. Discover which type of consultation will be best for your needs.
There are 22 Major Arcana, and each has hidden meanings and complex symbologies.
The TAROT can give you information about love and your heart. Did you know that you only need a few clues and you will have in your hands a valuable tool of discovery!
Is this the right time to look at the Tarot cards?
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Phenomena that potentiate and complement each other in the energies of each person.
Discover this path of self-knowledge, of liberation of doubts, of interpretation of fears and blockages.
Get to know this therapeutic and self-knowledge tool.
Much is said about the Tarot: learn some "facts" that are not entirely true in the following article.