We are near the start of a new year, and need to balance things out. There are many achievements you will see when looking back, and some pending for the year that is about to begin. We will help you be successful in your endeavors!

1. Visualize your goal

Before moving towards your goal it must be very clear, and this implies knowing what you want to achieve as accurately as possible. Create images in your mind of the exact situation you want, and you must be there amongst  the changes you have made. Create a mental picture of how you look, your face, the clothes you wear and the environment around you. Also, imagine the people who are with you and what your mood is. Direct your interest into achieving the best possible definition of the situation you are addressing.

Now freeze the image and keep it firmly in your emotional memory, because it will guide you along the way, diminishing the difficulties and guiding you with precision so that you do not lose your way. You must resort to this feeling whenever you feel discouraged, and you will regain your strength. If you already have a clear picture of your desired situation, then you can move on!

2. Be realistic

Evaluate all the information needed to reach the goal in a consistent and accurate manner. Collect all possible data, which will be part of your situation diagnosis. You should have as much clarity as possible about what you want, and how you will achieve it.

If you see information that you had not considered, it may favor you but it may also hurt you, so try to avoid surprises on your way to your goal. This is the time to have some paper and a pencil at hand, and from here you can find out if your dream is possible, or if it will be very difficult to achieve. And if it is possible, then let's move on to the next step!

3. Be a dreamer

And now it is the time to dream. Go for everything, look for the jackpot, the things you are afraid to name out loud, what your heart truly yearns for. The world is conquered by dreamers! You must go in search of what makes you happy.


Do not set limits, you must dream big, do not settle for just a little, or as they say, with the consolation prize. Build a great dream because that is what will keep you focused on a great effort, making you reach the goal. And now, it's time to get going!

4. Think strategically

The plan is not enough, not the diagnosis nor the desire. It is time to think about the most efficient strategy to reach your goal, to achieve what you want. And this strategy must include an evaluation of possible contingencies, which come up in every project. You must have an idea of ​​how to solve them, and different alternatives of which you can pick and choose. It is what is commonly called a "Plan B." It is what prevents you from giving up in the face of difficulties.


Here we continue with paper and pencil, but it will be very useful to make a kind of collage, with photos, cuttings of magazines, drawings, schemes, and everything you can think of that contributes to continue giving life to the dream.  This work of art that you have built must be in a very visible place in your house, if possible, it should be what you see first upon awakening. It is a direct message to your mind, and it will keep you alert to your objective. We wish you a very good year and that you fulfill your dreams!!

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