The beginning of the year is a special time for all of us. The earth concludes an entire orbit around the sun, and with it the energies are re-aligned to an initial point, preparing to begin a new journey. Here we will give you five tips to transforming your home into a receptive place of good energy and positive vibrations. Get ready for what's to come!

1. Incorporate plants into your home.

Plants have the ability to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, renewing the air in our home. In addition to connecting with nature and the cyclical nature of life, as well as decorating and beautifying our surroundings, it will allow positive energy to enter and circulate through your home, harmonizing and balancing the place. Remember that a harmonious environment is an environment where healthy loving relationships can grow and good wishes emerge.

2. Allow natural light in.

Sunlight has the power to recharge places with creativity and good energy, it attracts prosperity and relaxes our senses. The light that surrounds us is much more important than what we perceive. When it is necessary to use artificial light, try to make it warm and soft, it will calm your spirit and your thoughts. A strong white light will keep you in a state of permanent awareness, and is able to disturb your sleep and rest.


3. Deep cleaning.

This is the best time to perform a complete and thorough cleaning. Discarding objects that no longer mean anything in our lives, ordering, and purging the home of objects with conflicting energies, is key to preventing negative energies from expanding into rooms and affecting us. Get rid of everything you no longer need, try to clear the floor and the corners, and open the windows wide: the air must be able to circulate to take away all the bad vibes and leave room for the new things that are coming.


4. Renovation 

This is the right time to move furniture, paint that wall that you have been planning on fixing, and why not, risk coloring the rooms in your home. Maybe hanging a picture or new decoration, create new places for meeting and relaxing, renew fabrics, move armchairs or paint chairs. Any change you can and choose to make will serve to change old structures that no longer represent you and will help you look at the present from another perspective. Changes always open the outlook, dare to do them!


5. Energizing

The air we breathe in closed environments is often contaminated by negative energies. Performing a cleaning with Palo Santo or incense will help you to push out the bad vibes and purify the environment. Although we do cannot see it with our naked eye, the smoke and smells have the ability to cover everything, they go to the furthest corner of our rooms, contributing to a deep cleaning. Try to light holy stick or incense once you have finished cleaning your the home and your intimate rooms will have received all the good intentions needed to start 2019 open to all the good things that will come.

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