Sometimes we walk in too much of a hurry and we do not realize the burden caused by not stopping to enjoy, even if only a few seconds. At this time of the year, people seem to be infected by an incomprehensible urgency, and life's pace accelerates, with an increase in stress. Has it happened to you?
1. Express your gratitude
Being able to inventory all the assets we own is an ability that we do not usually encourage. If we stop for a second to check out footing along the way, our heartbeat, the landscape that our eyes see; We would already be accumulating an endless number of wonders that we are not aware of on a daily basis.
Possessing our senses, the ability to move, an acute intellect, and the ability to love and be loved; these things are enough to feel immensely blessed. Stop and giving thanks is a very good habit, which contributes to the certainty that life deserves to be celebrated.
2. Feel the vertigo
We constantly make choices, some minimal and others more transcendental. But at each step we are presented with options, from which some we take and others we discard almost mechanically. Life is like a movie in a fast-forward, which speeds by like a fast train, while we are stopped on the platform.
You can make the train slow down and so you can board it, if you stop what you are doing for a few seconds and take a look at yourself. Feel the vertigo in which you are immersed, and that way you can impress upon your life a desired rhythm. Not so fast that you get stressed or so slow you stop. Celebrate life in your time.
3. Develop empathy
You can practice connecting with others, simply by looking them in the eye and smiling. You come across so many people every day that sometimes you do not even see them. If you stop, you can also talk to at least some of them, and if you train yourself to listen, you will discover an unknown world, full of life stories that will enrich your spirit. Sharing yours will also thrill you. Celebrating each person's life is magic and mystery.
4. Always go for more
Never resign yourself to giving up what you want. You are not born to give up the fight, there are no second chances, so stay here, and go for more. Choose your dreams and go for them, that's what living is about, don't you think? It is not about the conformity of routine but rather about looking up to the sky and not forgetting your plans. Even if you have achieved a lot, go for more, the world yours, and it has much to offer you. Do not give up, never give up, celebrate life.
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