Discover the Zodiac Signs that will experience a profound awakening in their lives.

The second Full Moon of 2025, occurring on February in the sign of Leo, promises to be a powerful event. This moon will ignite our inner creative flame and encourage us to make bold decisions.

The Full Moon brings to light emotions and unresolved issues that we may have overlooked. During the days surrounding the Full Moon, emotions tend to intensify, allowing us to see things more clearly and leading to new ideas and revelations.

This will be especially true for the Full Snow Moon in Leo on February 2025, particularly for those born under the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

Those most affected by this event are likely to experience a sudden awakening and a deep realization. They will feel an irresistible urge to break free from old patterns and make bold, radical decisions that could lead to significant changes.

The Full Moon calls us to reconnect with ourselves and our passions, urging us to defend them with courage and enthusiasm. Our advice? Invest in your desires and personal fulfillment, which could also benefit those around you. It's a great time to be daring: "The Full Moon in Leo forms a 90° angle with Uranus in Taurus, a 180° opposition with Mercury in Aquarius, and a 120° trine with Chiron in Aries. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury create a T-square with Uranus in Taurus, a configuration that increases friction and discomfort, motivating us to initiate bold, often radical changes. This pattern pushes us out of inertia."


This T-square with Uranus, the planet of sudden change, awakenings, and rebellion, is especially potent during this period. "One of Uranus's key traits is its ability to shake things up, potentially bringing unexpected events or revelations that disrupt our lives unpredictably, ultimately guiding us toward a path more aligned with our true selves. This T-square is likely to inspire many to make decisions that allow us to break free and explore life on our own terms."

Alongside this inner revolution and the revelation of hidden desires, February's Full Moon is also a time to focus on self-care by identifying where our energy is being drained. "It's an opportunity to reflect on what nourishes us and what depletes us, and to pay attention to how what calms us emotionally may not align with what our body truly needs. We may realize that certain behaviors and habits that comfort us emotionally might not nourish us as they should, and become aware of seemingly soothing routines that end up exhausting us."

Experts also recommend starting by identifying what is blocking you: projects or doubts that drain your energy, habits that no longer serve you or hinder your growth, or leaving a toxic job. Ultimately, now is the time to make important decisions that could change your life.

Key Themes of the Lunation

  • Identity and Ego: The moon in Leo urges us to redefine who we are, to value ourselves beyond external approval. It's a time to ask if we are being authentic or if our ego constantly seeks validation.

  • Passion and Creativity: We are invited to pursue what truly excites us, to set aside fears, and to dedicate ourselves to what truly ignites our hearts.

  • Tension and Change: The T-square between the Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Uranus in fixed signs indicates tension and the need to adapt to changes, avoiding inflexible stances.


How the Full Moon's Energy Will Manifest in Your Zodiac Sign:

Each sign will experience this full moon in a unique way, depending on which area of their birth chart the lunation occurs.


This energy illuminates the area of pleasure and creativity. It's the perfect time to engage in exciting projects, allow yourself to enjoy without guilt, and connect with emotional authenticity.


Issues related to home and roots are activated. There may be a need to redefine the concept of family, assess if the current personal space is adequate, or seek new forms of well-being in the domestic sphere.


Communication will be the central focus of this lunation. Reflecting on how thoughts and emotions are expressed will be key. Opportunities may also arise to learn something new or share knowledge creatively.


Themes related to personal resources take center stage. This is a good time to review your relationship with abundance, value achievements, and make decisions that promote material stability.



As it occurs in your sign, this full moon will be particularly intense. Opportunities for self-discovery, breaking free from old patterns, and personal affirmation will arise. It's an excellent time to redefine priorities and reaffirm your own power.


Internal emotions and unconscious processes will be in the spotlight. This is a favorable period for rest, introspection, and healing emotional wounds.


Social relationships and collective projects are activated. Opportunities may arise to collaborate with others or redefine your role within a group.


Professional goals and public image will be under scrutiny. It may be a key moment to set new career objectives or receive recognition for previous efforts.



A period of expansion and knowledge-seeking opens up. It may be an excellent time to start studies, travel, or broaden philosophical horizons.


Emotional bonds and shared finances will be the focus. It's an opportunity to strengthen deep relationships and make adjustments in managing shared resources.


Partnerships and relationships will be the focus of this full moon. It may be the time to make important decisions in relationships or redefine how emotional bonds are established.


Physical and emotional well-being will be in the spotlight. It may be an excellent opportunity to implement changes in daily habits and prioritize self-care.

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