Pluto's mission is to change the world and change us very deeply. It is a very slow and transpersonal planet, with which it stays several years in each sign. We can say that Pluto changes signs with the change of generations, since it is usually more than 10 years in each!

Pluto's light symbolizes the deep transformation. Usually when we talk about this planet the word death comes to our mind, but don't despair! The word death in astrology means transformation and profound changes. When we do not perform these necessary movements for our evolution or maturation, Pluto's energy ensures that they arrive by destination.

A beautiful image that describes this process is the chrysalis that becomes a butterfly or the phoenix that is reborn from the ashes. They illustrate destruction and rebirth. Depending on its location in the natal chart, Pluto shows us the wound that we must heal and also represents the ego and the vulnerable area of our inner being. 

Pluto's journey through generations and signs


Pluto in Leo

People born between 1939 and 1956, make up a generation wanting to excel. They have great confidence in themselves, with ambition for power and economic prominence. The light of this transit is a creative life, courage and a lot of renovating energy. A lot of initiative and ability to manage. The shadow of this transit may be authoritarianism and dictatorships.

Pluto in Virgo

Those born between 1957 and 1971, are part of a generation with obsessive compulsive gifts of the organization. They result from a perfectionist transformation and through sacrifice as a goal of life. The transit of Pluto transforms this generation by depositing them into a novel paradigm. Production and consumption change to develop in relation to services. Extreme ideas about how to eat, changes in habits and routines emerge with this transit. Virgo has a sacred concept of the body, with which for this generation the care of the body is fundamental. Work is the source of power for people with this location.

Pluto in Libra

This generation is located among people born between 1972 and 1982, dealing with a complicated journey with Pluto: Libra likes to keep the forms and Pluto is the opposite. For this generation the square of Pluto in Capricorn (from 2008 to 2024) is fundamental. It is a transit that usually coincides with vital crises in the workplace and in personal relationships. Their own desires are confronted with the mandates. Isn't it something that happens to us often? What does the rest expect from us? Is it then the search for what we really want? The purpose of this transit is to get out of comfort to meet who we really are.


Pluto in Scorpio

Between 1983 and 1995, when Pluto was in Scorpio, there was a natural transit since this planet was in its sign, giving rise to intense emotions from within us. This forces us to evolve, to mature. It is the generation of Millennials that travel through hard experiences, experiencing a different connection with death experiences. They have a fearful feeling in front of their life, but not so when they think about their death. It is a generation that is experiencing situations of unemployment or poorly paid employment. They were born in an era where transmission diseases through physical relationships established a priority in health care. This special imprint generated in the collective conscious, they ended up sublimating it through forms of creativity (art, culture, music) and in emotional demonstrations with intense ties. 

Pluto in Sagittarius

Between 1983 and 1995, when Pluto was in Scorpio, there was a natural transit since this planet was in its sign, giving rise to intense emotions from within us. This forces us to evolve, to mature. It is the generation of Millennials that undergo through hard experiences, feeling a different connection with death experiences. They have a fearful feeling in front of their life, but not so when they think about their death. It is a generation that is experiencing situations of unemployment or poorly paid employment. They were born in an era where transmission diseases through physical relationships established a priority in health care. This special imprint generated in the collective conscious, they ended up sublimating it through forms of creativity (art, culture, music) and in emotional demonstrations with intense ties.


Pluto in Capricorn

A generation that was born and will be born between 2009 and 2023, responsible for disappearing the structure of bosses, patriarchy and large-scale capitalist system. This means that they will face a great identity crisis in the face of authority. Capricorn entered Capricorn in 2008/9 and will remain there until 2023. This transit speaks of economic recession, rising unemployment, bankrupt bank systems. It is the moment of a global and profound transformation of society. Complaints of corruption and abuse are absolutely normal in this period. It is a stage of adjustment and austerity (Capricorn) until obtaining the essential and the really significant of human constructions (Pluto).

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