Numerology is a discipline that studies the energetic vibration of numbers and their influence on people, countries, pseudonyms, animals, plants, streets, neighborhoods, cities, businesses, houses, departments, etc; These have their own vibrations, soul numbers, expressions, potential and destiny. In the year 530 B.C. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, developed the relationship between the planets and their numerical vibration. I call it "music of the spheres." According to Pythagoras, words have a sound that vibrates in line with the frequency of numbers. Knowing the full name of a person and the date of his birth, you can discover his personality, his natural talents, his destiny and the way he will challenge himself to fulfill it. It also allows you to enter the karma that the person brings from their past lives.
To get the karmic number you have to add: the day number + month number + year number till reduce it to a single figure. An example, for someone who was born on February 18, 1975, the sum would be: 18 + 02 + 1975 = 6 Numerology maintains that each number from 1 to 9 (and in special cases double or master numbers like 11 and 22) issues a peculiar and unique vibration that defines them and that at the same time differentiates them from others, and that they transmit to the people who carry them, giving them the characteristics and the vital force that are their own.
Number 1: People with this karmic number have as virtues creativity, originality, independence, courage, progress, ambition, positivity, willpower, leadership, are pioneers, active, and have a lot of strength.
Advice: Reaffirm your individuality through efforts, if you do you will not go through emotional loneliness .
Number 2: The personality is characterized by being loving, helpful, soft, harmonious, adaptable, charming, diplomatic, friendly, rhythmic, musical, receptive, cooperative and are very considerate of others.
Advice: You come to bond with others cooperating. When this is achieved, your emotional ups and downs will be balanced .
Number 3: They are characterized in artistic expression, the joy of living, they are carefree, optimistic, inspired, talented, imaginative, they have good taste, they are sociable, cordial and with a big heart.
Advice: Focus on developing your talent by managing your optimism since it is essential for you to express yourself .
Number 4: Practical personality, service, have a lot of patience, accuracy, organization, application, devotion, patriotism. They are conservative and pragmatic.
Advice: Work discipline, order, concentration and your rational side.
Number 5: Free personality, generators of progress, versatile, comprehensive, flexible and adaptable to the circumstances, of great mental curiosity, have a deep experience of life, ability, are always free of ties and are very sociable. Of great sensuality and free sex life.
Advice: flexibility should work towards changes without dispersion.
Number 6: They are characterized by love, the harmony they generate at home, responsibility, musical talent. They are compassionate beings, of great affinity, understanding, domesticity, protectors and stable. They have poise, balance, they are healers, they have firmness, idealism, wisdom, justice and service to humanity.
Advice: They must be careful not to fall into capricious or authoritarian attitudes. Deepen emotional bonds.
Number 7: They are characterized by love, the harmony they generate at home, responsibility, musical talent. They are compassionate beings, of great affinity, understanding, domesticity, protectors and stable. They have poise, balance, they are healers, they have firmness, idealism, wisdom, justice and service to humanity.
Advice: They must be careful not to fall into capricious or authoritarian attitudes. Deepen emotional bonds.
Number 8: People with great power, authority, success, material freedom, judgment, discrimination, executive ability, organization, leadership, trustworthy, personal security, control and power to succeed.
Advice: Balance the material and spiritual world, developing generosity.
Number 9: They are characterized by Universal Love, brotherhood, fraternity, charity, compassion, the Higher Law, possess artistic genius, selfless service, philanthropy, humanity, magnetism, compassion, sympathy, understanding, romance, generosity and criterion amplitude.
Advice: You should worry about the good of others, developing your spiritual potential to the fullest. Be compassionate, altruistic and serve as an example to others .
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