2023 is full of important astrological events that we must take into account to make the most of their influences. Solar ingresses, equinoxes and solstices, eclipses and transits of the planets can all have an impact on our lives and it is important to be aware of them to take advantage of their positive energies and minimize their negative effects.

The most important astrological dates of 2023

The solar entrances mark the beginning of each month and let us know the energies that come to us. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and can influence our emotions, thoughts and actions. For example, the Sun in Aquarius encourages us to be innovative and humanitarian, while the Sun in Leo inspires us to express ourselves and be creative.

Solar inputs

Aquarius January 20: The presence of the Sun in Aquarius is an opportunity for innovation and humanitarian commitment.

Pisces February 18th: The Sun in Pisces encourages imagination and intuition...

Aries March 20th: The arrival of this star in Aries encourages us to follow our passions and desires...

Taurus April 20th: this Sun's entry into Taurus encourages us to create and experience romance...

Gemini May 21st: The Sun in Gemini will bring us new information and news about our life.

Cancer June 21st: The Sun in Cancer encourages us to embrace our deepest emotions and feelings that arise at that time.

Leo July 22nd: The Sun's entry into Leo will give us a breeze of inspiration and inner expression from different types of artistic expressions.

Virgo August 23rd: The Sun in Virgo will inspire us to deepen the investigation of pending issues.

Libra September 23rd: the arrival of the Sun in the Libra house will seek to balance energies.

Scorpio October 23rd: The Sun in Scorpio will push us to make that necessary transformation.

Sagittarius November 22nd: the arrival of solar energy in the Sagittarius house will expand our intelligence.

Capricorn December 22nd: The Sun in Capricorn will generate a space of reflection to be practical..


Equinoxes and solstices of 2023

The equinoxes and solstices are events that mark the beginning of each season and occur when the Sun enters the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

The spring equinox in the northern hemisphere and the autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere mark the beginning of the Aries season and the day when day and night hours are equal. The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere mark the beginning of the Cancer season and the longest day of the year.

March 20th is the vernal equinox, which is celebrated in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. It is also the beginning of the zodiac sign of Aries and the time when the hours of light and darkness are equal.

June 21st is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, as well as the beginning of the sign of Cancer. This is the longest day of the year

September 23rd is the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere and the vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere, and marks the beginning of the sign of Libra and the time when the hours of light and darkness are equal again. 

December 22nd is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, and the beginning of the sign of Capricorn. This is the shortest day of the year. I hope this astrological information will be useful to you.


The Lunar Nodes

The stars show us that the shift of the Lunar Nodes of Fate into the signs of Aries and Libra in July 2023 will bring with it a new opportunity to explore and balance our individual needs and relationships.

While the North Node in Aries encourages us to prioritize our self, the South Node in Libra encourages us to seek connections based on love and commitment. In this period, it is crucial to find a middle ground that allows both signs to coexist in harmony.

How can we achieve autonomy and at the same time be committed to others? The answer will not be easy to find, but it is essential to move forward in our astrological journey.

Keep an eye on how these celestial movements will affect your lives and relationships during this period!


The eclipses of 2023

This year, we will have the opportunity to experience two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses. Eclipses are astrological events that occur when the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned in a particular way.

These phenomena can have a significant impact on our lives, so it is important to be aware of them.

The first solar eclipse of the year will occur on April 20th and will be in Aries. This eclipse will encourage us to free ourselves from the limitations that prevent us from moving forward. On May 5th we will have a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which will prompt us to explore our emotions and better understand how they work.

The second solar eclipse of the year will occur on October 14th and will be in Libra. This eclipse will help us to clarify and define our relationships. Finally, on October 28th we will have a lunar eclipse in Taurus, which will give us a clearer vision of our own nature and that of others.

It is important to keep in mind that each person will experience these eclipses in a unique way, depending on their birth date and the way these astrological phenomena align with their natal chart. Keep an eye on how these eclipses can affect your life and take advantage of the opportunity for growth and change they provide!


Mercury retrograde in 2023

During the early months of 2023, Mercury's retrograde movements can cause problems in communications, travel, and technology.

These problems are especially evident during the first Mercury retrograde of the year, which occurs from late December through mid-January, and is centered in the sign of Capricorn.

Spring also brings a Mercury retrograde, beginning in April and ending in May, which encourages us to review our commitments and improve our relationships. Then, in August and September, another Mercury retrograde in Virgo will help us to better understand our own feelings.

Finally, in December, another Mercury retrograde will take place in the signs of Capricorn and Sagittarius. This retrograde may affect travel and vacation plans during the end of the year. Be sure to be patient and watch out for possible problems during these Mercury retrograde periods in 2023.


Venus retrograde

This astrological phenomenon takes place when Venus appears to move backwards in the sky from our perspective on Earth. During this transit, Venus is often said to bring issues related to love and money into focus.

In 2023, the transit of Venus retrograde will take place from July 22nd to September 3rd in Leo, which could bring past issues or conflicts in our love relationships to the surface and cause us to evaluate the future of our current partners. This transit asks us to reflect on what we want most and whom we love most, and to keep our own needs in mind as we do so.

In addition, on August 13rd, the Venus star point will take place, which is the annual meeting of the Sun with Venus. This year it occurs in Leo, and is said to be a great day to express our romantic feelings and desires to others. If you have something you want to say, this is the perfect time to do so without fear of rejection.


Mars retrograde

At the end of this week, the retrograde phase of Mars will come to an end, which means we can finally let go of the obstacles and conflicts that have been plaguing our lives for the past few months. Mars began its retrograde motion on October 30th in Gemini, and has been wreaking havoc on our relationships and personal projects.

Fortunately, however, this phase will end on January 12nd, giving way to a new opportunity to rekindle our relationships and move forward with our goals.

Now is the perfect time to apologize to those we have hurt and address any outstanding issues in a constructive manner.

Let's start the new year in the best possible way and leave drama and conflict behind!

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