This time we will be talking about the most obsessive signs of all the zodiac, but without further ado... it is worth clarifying that an obsessive follower is a person who "harasses" or "pursues" someone, who obsesses, watches and investigates absolutely everything about the people who interest him/her.

There is a term for this type of personalities "stalker". Usually this happens virtually (social networks) and in many cases, without leaving traces.

Each zodiac sign displays a rich palette of characteristics that define their behaviors and attitudes. On this occasion, we venture into an intriguing and sometimes mysterious terrain: relational intensity, specifically, the more obsessive side of each sign. Have you ever wondered what happens when passion overflows and the search for connection becomes an obsession? Welcome to the fascinating world of obsessive followers according to astrology.

An obsessive follower, in astrological terms, is one who, guided by the intensity of their emotions, immerses themselves in the lives of those who capture their interest. This inquiry may occur in the vast virtual world of social networks or manifest itself in a more tangible investigation, but always with the determination to unravel every layer of the object of their attention. In this astrological journey, we will demystify which signs are more inclined to go down the path of obsession, shedding light on the astrological characteristics that drive them to such behavior.

These first glimpses of astrological obsession prepare us to further explore the nuances of the remaining signs on this journey through the zodiac. From the serenity of Libra to the rebellious independence of Aquarius, each sign holds fascinating secrets about how it deals with emotional attachment. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind the zodiac's most obsessive signs and discover how these astrological characteristics influence the way we pursue love and connection. Get ready to dive into the cosmos of relational astrology.


Here we have to deal with this topic from the astrological side, so take note, because we will tell you what are the characteristics that each sign shows when it comes to bring out their most possessive and spying side of their personality...

Ranking of the most obsessive signs of the Zodiac:


Of course the first place goes to the most obsessive and intense sign of the whole zodiac, our beloved Scorpio. Magnetic, mysterious and possessive personality, they love to be aware of their favorite people, taking this attitude to the extreme. They don't take half measures, either they care a lot about you, or they don't care about you at all. For that reason, they tend to become obsessed with their partners or the people they are interested in, they want to "own" the other, as if they were their property; without realizing that with that way of being, it will backfire on them in most cases.


This earth sign is characterized by always going to the end of the matter, and the same will happen with the people who awaken their interest. There is nothing or no one that can convince them otherwise, it will be in vain to make the attempt... when they want to know the other person in depth, they will not stop until they investigate them completely, in social networks or exchanging questions with their acquaintances. Any information will be useful for the bull of the zodiac to make a decision, and will do everything in their power to get the attention of that person, which cost them so much work.


The crabs of the zodiac prioritize relationships before anything else in their lives. For this reason, they often seem to be truly obsessive about their favorite people. They want to know everything about them, what they do, who they go out with, etc... to then draw their own conclusions and find out if that person is really worth it. They dig until they find what they want to discover, especially if that other person feels the same way they do, they don't want to get hurt and have their kind heart hurt. Unfortunately for Cancer, they will always have certain people who will never leave their minds.



Zodiac fish tend to become obsessed when they are just starting a relationship or when they are captivated by a person's beauty. They want to give their all regardless of going to the extreme of wanting to know EVERYTHING about the person who is keeping them awake at night. However, they have a hard time reaching a middle ground, which makes them border on obsession with their special someone, often without realizing it. They see it as natural, when someone catches their eye they need to let them know.


This sign goes through life without fear of success, so you'll notice right away if an Aries is obsessively following you around. When he fixates his interest in someone, he won't hesitate to go after that person and let you know. He will want to get your attention and will make his intentions clear. He is very dynamic and funny, so he will most likely bring out his funny side to win you over. His personality is very striking, so he will always end up getting his way.


The scale of the zodiac loves to be accompanied and needs to feel a connection with those closest to her. That's why you often want to surround yourself with friends and share meaningful moments with each of them. You don't tend to be obsessed with anyone, preferring to let everything in your life flow, and try not to cling to anything. He only wants good company and to enjoy memorable moments with his family and friends. Being obsessive for Libra is probably a waste of time and energy.



Leo, the attention lover, does not easily become obsessive. Their desire to shine and be admired does not align with the idea of chasing someone in the shadows. However, when they are interested, they will use their charm and charisma to stand out and be noticed. Their goal is more to gain admiration than to obsess.


Gemini has an awful time making up their mind in many areas, and in relationships will be no exception. They will give a lot of thought when it comes to choosing the right person, and that is when their obsessive side comes to the fore. You do not want to have doubts or make mistakes about the person you like, so you will thoroughly investigate everything about him or her. You will take your time, and during that period you will become more intense, bringing out your obsessive and restless side, but anyway, you will not stand it for long...


This sign doesn't indulge much in its obsessive side, it simply tries to stay disciplined as it does with everything in its life. While he can get a little obsessed when someone catches his attention, he tries not to get carried away by his impulses or emotions of the moment. You are fortunate enough to know what you want for your life, and the same will be true when you want to form a relationship with a special person. With perseverance and self-control, you will eventually end up making that bond reciprocal and lasting.


The idea of trying hard or having to chase someone to get their attention is simply not compatible with Virgo's way of being. They are not very interested in commitment or obsessing over anyone, they are quite cautious and putting in extra effort to make a relationship happen is not in their plans. If he is interested in someone, he will take it as a game, as something relaxed without thinking too much about how far he will go with that link. Whatever happens, it will be because they both decide to go for a relationship.



For such an adventurous and freedom-loving sign, it will never be in your plans to go crazy for a person who has aroused your interest. He wouldn't trade his stability and peace of mind for anything in the world, even if he has the love of his life in front of him. Sagi goes around enjoying himself, having fun and flowing, without many long-term plans, and at the slightest sign of possessiveness on the part of the other person, he will end the relationship as soon as possible. Neither their time nor their personal plans or projects are negotiable.


Here we meet the freest and most anti-obsessive sign of all, our beloved Aquarius. This sign hates to be behind people, it overwhelms him, and does not want to invest a lot of time in the subject of feelings. To be attached to emotional ties generates total rejection to him, it goes against his individualistic and independent nature. He does not want to obsess or know what others think about him, he has his eyes set on his goals, his life and those who know how to give him his personal space.

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