Pisces Horoscope Predictions for 2023: know which energies will be favored this year.

We share the reading and interpretation of the energies of the elements of Pisces.

Pisces, this year, you should be prepared for a radical change in your life, especially emotionally. As Saturn transits your zone of endings, closure, healing and transitions, you are likely to experience ups and downs and challenges. However, these past few years have prepared you for an important decision that you will need to make between January and March. This will be an opportunity to let go of the past and move on to new beginnings.

As for your income and wealth, this 2023 promises to be a very productive year for you. Your popularity is likely to increase, as well as your earnings and wealth. It is important that you are ready to take on new responsibilities and position yourself higher in your career.


Love and Relationship

Unfortunately, the first four months of the year will not be the best for you in love. You will probably have to set boundaries and face the reality of certain relationships that have come to an end. However, from May through December, your social life will awaken and you will experience an increase in popularity, especially if you are single. You may meet new friends, become interested in new hobbies and ideas, and with this, you may meet new loves.

However, Saturn in Pisces announces that this year, only people who are willing to commit will be considered as candidates for a long-term relationship. It is an opportunity to build something solid and lasting in love.


Work and Career

Between January and April, you will be highly motivated to organize your finances, get a loan, or find a partner to monetize a passion project. This is the year to look for new sources of income, whether it's a new job or a side business.

Starting in July, with the arrival of the North Node in Aries, you will be focused on generating income, a new investment or getting financing for the business of your dreams. The second half of the year could bring interesting proposals for your career and your portfolio.

During Venus retrograde, between July and September, you will have the opportunity to evaluate if your place and work team really meet your needs, and consider a restructuring or change of location.


Health and Wellness

In March, Saturn arrives in Pisces, where it will remain for two more years. It's a time to reflect on your health and self-care, and how you can improve it. Jupiter and Saturn will help you improve your diet and exercise habits, while Mars and Venus will help you seek treatments and therapies to help you heal.

Key for the Year: 2023 will be a time to let go of the past and move on to new beginnings, both in love, career and health. It is important to be prepared to take on new responsibilities and commitments, and to take advantage of opportunities to improve your life and grow.

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