It is good to think about our partners and our own particular style of fun, to see what aspects of this fun we share and where we differ, to know each other more, thinking about the good times we have together. Do you dare?


They are certainly signs that love fun, they know how to do it and they are good companions when it comes to dating, being with friends, and attending meetings and parties. Aries is sometimes very restless, has very high energy, and should be careful of excesses. They feel good at parties where they can grab attention, even if it is from a small group. You can count on them to go out and have fun.

Be careful if you are a Leo, you tend to have many partners, you are not naturally faithful and an innocent flirt can ruin even the best evening. Leo is dominant as a king, so sometimes they get somewhat arrogant if they feel their kingdom is threatened. Sagittarius is the quietest of the signs in this group in terms of fun, they are satisfied with a good movie or a book. They enjoy everything that strays from routine, do not pretend to always do the same thing with a Sagittarius, they will be bored and will leave before you realize it.


Taurus do not have problems with routines, they like to repeat the same outings, programs, or company with which they have had a good time. They can watch the same movie twice if they liked it or listen to the same band over and over again. If you go out with a Taurus, do not forget, they can be very jealous and ruin the night if they feel left out.


Virgo has style and elegance, their outings should not lack refinement. What they choose must be perfect and is planned to the smallest detail. They hate having their plans changed when they have made up their mind about a certain plan. It is a good idea to go to listen to some music and then go to dinner: the program must be complete, and they prefer not to improvise. Capricorns have a hard time making friends, even though they enjoy group outings. They are good conversationalists, they like good food, and have an excellent sense of humor.


The signs of Air have a great facility with bonding, they relate easily and enjoy going out in a group. Aquarius are bright and original, they like surprises and crazy outings. They love music, dressing well, and going dancing. It is very easy to have fun with Aquarius, but never break a promise. You must strictly comply with what you offer. Otherwise they will suffer and their mood will change completely. Libra are more romantic and elegant, they are civilized and charming. They can be very diplomatic and socially charming. Any plan that is well organized and with somewhat refined will make you seem like a king.


Gemini greatly enjoy fun, such that it is impossible to be bored with them. They have no problems with any type of plans, they are malleable and flexible. They allow you to choose the outings you want, because they will enjoy it for sure. They do, however, need a little autonomy, they also like having plans of their own, or with their group of friends, they need that space in their lives.


Cancer can be very changeable, sometimes it can be difficult to know what kind of plans or outing they will like. They may lose interest in something that they had a lot of fun with before. But in general they like comfort and luxury, so now you have a clue so you can choose what to do.


Pisces is always in motion, the safest thing to do is avoid repeating offers but be creative and trust in their commitment and connection. They are sensitive and kind, so they will not make it difficult for you. Scorpio are ones who work hard at relationships, so they will get everything in place to have a good time together. It is intense but nice, a dinner for two in an interesting place, will surely please them.

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