Carl Jung (Swiss psychiatric and psychoanalyst 1875-1961) was the creator of the concept of "Synchronicity". What is synchronicity about? It is a coincidence so great that we cannot believe it is just a coincidence or we at least intuit that the coincidence has a deeper meaning that we cannot understand, as if there is a deep message hidden behind the coincidence that we are unable to unravel. That is why Jung also called them "meaningful coincidences". A simple example is when we think about someone who we have not seen in a long time and soon thereafter we meet them on the street or they call us on the phone

 There are people that are very prone to this type of significant coincidences. Jung himself was one of them and perhaps it was this series of coincidences that led him to propose this concept. During a session with a very difficult patient, extremely rational, who was not advancing in her treatment, she told him of a dream with a beetle. At the end of the session a beetle appeared unexpectedly through the window and Jung explained this fact through the concept of synchronicity. He determined that an experience of synchronicity is an unexpected event, at the right moment, and that sometimes changes our lives or our thoughts, it moves us from our egocentrism to a more integrated view of life, but for this to happen we must be alert to the signs of the universe.


Synchronicity connects all the events in nature and helps us overcome cause and effect. It usually happens during the process in which we inquire what we are physically doing in this world, that is when the awakening begins and we use the energy that connects the world and then magical events begin to occur. Many times these magical moments take place in a state in which we seem to have momentarily suspended rational thought and we are completely alert. Then we may reach an interesting state: intuition. When we refer to intuition we think of the right hemisphere of the brain, associations and emotions that have to do with an area of ​​the brain that we do not yet know much about.


It seems we must maintain a receptive and open attitude for these moments to happen. When your belief in the way things are is broadened to new ideas or is getting ready to do so. It is important not to boycott ourselves, sometimes it is necessary to remove ourselves from getting in our own way. In stages of maturity there is a connection between the individual and their environment, which at certain moments exert an attraction that ends up creating coinciding circumstances, having a specific value for the people who live it, a symbolic meaning, or an external manifestation of the collective unconscious . It is these types of events that we usually blame on chance, coincidence, luck, or even magic, depending on our culture or beliefs.


Synchronicity would represent us in the physical plane, for example, the idea or solution that hides within our minds, disguised as surprise and coincidence, being therefore much easier to reach. In many Buddhist texts, karma can be understood as a consequence, not of past lives, but the consequence of current events in our present life. The texts focus on the belief that what one does is as important as what one thinks, in other words, their intention. And that is why karma is not only the result of our actions, but fundamentally of our thoughts. Thought is the basis of an action, and our actions are the origin of our future, in other words, the origin of our destiny. And sometimes we are so distracted that we do not see that what happens is the result of what we do, and above all, what we want.

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