Analyzing why there are these types of sensations and personal encounter scenarios that seem to be very meaningful coincidences will help us understand who and what surrounds us in our lives. See the next article for a deeper understanding of this concept.
Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist, born in 1875 (died in 1961), was the one who conceived the concept of "Synchronicity".
Dr. Jung states that there are great coincidences that we cannot believe that it is simply coincidence or at least we intuit that this coincidence has a deep meaning that we do not know.
As if behind these opportunities and coincidences a deep message is hidden that we do not get to reveal or pay 100% of our attention. For this reason Jung also called them "significant coincidences".
It can be something routine, or for example a mere coincidence when we think of someone we haven't seen for a long time and a while later we meet them in the street or they call us on the phone. Did this ever happen to you?
Dr. Jungo recounts that during a session with a very difficult, extremely rational patient, who was not advancing in her treatment, she related a dream about a beetle.
This dream and by the end of the session revealed something that would change the concept of "chance" for her whole life: a beetle appeared unexpectedly through the window. Jung explained this fact through the concept of synchronicity.
He determined that a synchronicity experience is an unexpected event, at the exact moment and that sometimes it changes our lives or our thoughts, they circulate in other ways. It shifts us from self-centeredness to a more holistic view of life.
We must understand that for this to happen we must be open to the signals of the universe and the life we are living.
Synchronicity connects all events in nature and helps us to overcome the cause and effect of them. These types of "coincidences" or events usually happen during the process in which we inquire into our inner being about "what we are doing living" in this world.
That is when the awakening of the self begins and we reuse the inner energy with the one that connects and links to the world.
Many times these magical moments take place in a state in which it seems that we have momentarily suspended rational thought and we are all spiritual attention.
Then there can be an interesting state of perception never experienced before. Where intuition takes over our senses and we think only with the right hemisphere of the brain. Associations and emotions appear instantaneously and connect with an area of the brain about which not much is yet known scientifically. An unknown that we know we have not yet managed to master and in which there is a lot of field and ground to analyze and evaluate.
If we wish to be more active and connect with these types of events, we must maintain a receptive and open attitude so that these moments can happen and we can perceive them.
When our current belief and the basis of our thoughts and emotions begins to expand and receive new ideas or is about to do so, it is essential not to "self-booby-booby-booby-booby-booby-booby-booby-booby-booby-booby-boob". Sometimes it is necessary to get out of our own way and eradicate the "old" version of our heart.
In stages of maturity there is a connection between the individual and his or her environment, which at certain times exerts an attraction that ends up creating coinciding circumstances. These have a specific value for the people who live them, a symbolic and unique meaning. Being in this way an external manifestation of the collective unconscious and of the loved ones and people who know us more deeply.
It is these types of events that we tend to blame on chance, chance, luck or even magic, depending on our culture or beliefs. But in reality we are the ones who are moving energetic currents, attracting people and situations to our environment (not always positive or negative events).
If we want to put into practice this type of "revelations" during different moments in our life, we must give synchronicity a more preponderant role.
It represents us on that physical plane that we recognize as real, as for example, the idea or solution that is hidden in our mind, disguised as surprise and coincidence, being in this way much easier to reach and to recognize.
In Buddhism, we find several texts that interpret karma as the consequence, not of past lives, but of what happens with current events in our present life.
The texts focus on the fact that it is as important what one does as what one thinks, that is to say, what is the intention that we long for when we make a decision: implying an advance in our life, giving an answer to someone, or simply taking responsibility for our actions.
Because of this, karma is not only the result of our actions, but fundamentally of our thoughts.
We can conclude then that many times our thoughts are connected almost linearly with synchronicities.
It is the thought that is the basis of the act, and it is our acts that are the origin of our future. If we analyze this statement carefully, we will be able to recognize the origin of our destiny.
The daily chores, the routines of life, jobs, sons and daughters, many times distract us and take us to superficial and unnecessary places in our journey.
If we analyze then that in reality what happens and occurs in our lives is the result of what we do, and above all, what we want, then from this moment we will be one step closer to reach an inner evolution.
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