Have you felt sensitive for no reason, and then realize that the full moon shines on the sky? If it ever happened to you, this article will give you the answers you are looking for!

For many scientists, the four phases of the moon (its growth or decrease in its visible surface and the light it reflects) affect the behavior of living beings and therefore, our emotions! It is proven, and nobody would be encouraged to say otherwise, that the moon regulates and modifies the tides and affects the harvests, but also, there are those who affirm in scientific articles that the four lunar phases (Crescent, Full, Waning and New) would have Direct relationship with the greater presence of neurotransmitters of one type or another in our body: serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and acetylcholine. These could be more or less preponderant according to the moon phases.

It is suspected that the lunar influence has to do with the great presence of water in our body, just as it influences the growth of sea waters, it influences our bloodstream determining imperceptible but real changes. Let's see what happens in each moon phase!


What happens from New Moon to Quarter Crescent

It occurs when the Sun and the Moon meet in the sky. This encounter is prolific, breeds processes and represents the fusion and the origin of phenomenon. It is a good time for planting, to bring energy to love relationships and renew them. Expansion and growth time. We must be attentive to dreams and everything that arises in this period.


We become sensitive and receptive, and it is believed that it is by the action of acetylcholine that makes us more sensitive, there is a lot of energy but little ability to focus: it is volatile energy. Acetylcholine is related to the processes of memory and learning.

What happens from Crescent Quarter to Full Moon?

In this phase the emotions become much more intense and sometimes even difficult to handle. It is an ideal time to get rid of ballast we have been doing for a long time and stop our development.

There is a lot of energy and gradually increases mental concentration, imagination and creativity. At this stage, serotonin, called the happy chemist, would predominate, which is a neurotransmitter that balances moods. So much energy must be contained and derived to precise and effective functions. Do not rush and act regulating this possible excess energy. Sometimes it is time to face fears or situations that we have been ignoring, but it must be with caution and intelligence. Also at this stage of the full moon increases libido and sensuality flourishes.


What happens from Full Moon to Waning Quarter?

The Moon is dimming, its light decreases and its reflection is smaller, and its surface is hidden. In New Moon you learned, in Full Moon what was learned is put into practice and In New Moon you learned, In Full Moon you apply what you have learned and you lived the culmination starting to wane. A more peaceful path begins, the energy changes direction, pleasant feelings increase, dopamine, which is the neurotransmitter that is related to well-being and pleasure, would increase. It is studied that love feelings release dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. It is time for acceptance, forgiveness and forgetting grudges. Increase empathy for the presence of dopamine and we can enjoy the achievements.


What happens from Waning Quarter to New Moon?

This last quarter that must be covered is time for resting, replenishing energies and accepting the experience. It is time to make peace first with yourself and then with the Universe. Abandon sterile struggles, choose battles and let go of those that are not worth it. Get rid of everything that is no longer useful. The norepinephrine that would predominate at this stage is a hormone and neurotransmitter simultaneously. It keeps our attention focused, it helps us to fight but also to withdraw, it gives us motivation and it is related to stress and impulsivity. It helps us restart the cycle again.

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