How are we doing in love? How do you get along with your partner? Are you happy with him or her? Let's see what the stars have to say about the compatibility for love between signs of different elements!
It is a recurring topic in conversations and we are all interested, how are we doing in love? How do you get along with your partner? Are you happy with him or her? Let's see what the stars say about the compatibility for love between signs of different elements. Knowing the least compatible signs will only tell us which aspects we must work for the couple to do well. Nothing is definitive and this is just an orientation on what you should expect and what you will have to attend to achieve well-being in love.
How do the different elements relate in forming a couple?
How do the Fire Signs relate to Water signs?
How do the Fire Signs relate to Water signs?
How do the Fire Signs relate to Earth signs?
How Earth Signs relate to Water signs?
I can't imagine more compatible signs. They are both reliable, they are stable when they are together. The Earth contains the water, and revives with the fluidity and sensitivity that the water gives it, emerging in a thousand buds. It will bring you the emotion and intuition that the Earth signs, so attached to the material, need. The Earth should not be too greedy because the water will run out in its task, the water should not be too volatile, because the Earth will not be able to absorb its benefits .
How do the Earth Signs relate to Air signs?
What happens if the couple shares the same element?
Sharing the element can mean complementation and be stimulating, but since they also have the same characteristics in positive and negative, it could happen that they fall into monotony. If the signs are the same, many times this is the reason for the lack of interest and the fall in habituation, so you must strive to provide the necessary condiments so that this does not happen .
Fire- Fire: Very intense relationship, it works if it is not exhausted and consumes in itself, but that each member of the couple develops their individuality, has friends, interests and activities separately
Air - Air: Total dispersion, little practicality, they keep the interest but they find it difficult to nail-down aspirations.
Earth- Earth: An honest, firm, stable and a bit monotonous relationship. They can get very bored unless they have strong shared interests.
Water-Water: Hypersensitive, emotionally unstable. Always attentive to the needs of the other but difficult to hold on to something firm that supports their identities and does not dilute them.
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