Beyond whatever our solar sign is, with which we usually identify ourselves with, inside of each one of us, we have the potential for the energy in each sign. Our birth chart is a map of our birth, like a mandala that gives us a chance to know ourselves and transform our weaknesses and energize our strengths.
Inside of us we all have our inner two energies, we are made of two impulses, two strengths: the feminine and the masculine. One is centripetal (feminine) and is aimed inwards: seduction, attraction, calling. The other one is centrifugal (masculine) and is aimed outwardly: conquest, search, going. Both are necessary, two polarities of the same thing. The conflict arises when we try to deny one and that duality is destabilized. We possess both energies, and denying one of them implies denying a part of ourselves, repressing our potential.
In our astral charts, the feminine and masculine energy are distributed according to the position of the planets at the moment of birth, and it will guide us to obtain the Ascendant (the sign in the zodiac that rises on the horizon at the exact moment of birth, and is an expression of the personality) and the Midheaven (the specific point that represents the cusp of the House X, and is representing the conscience of the Ego).
The feminine energy is strongly related to intuition, the spiritual, all that escapes the physical world. it is categorized by a calm energy, nutritional and receptive. On the other hand, the masculine energy is focused on survival, on all the things in the material world it needs to live. If this energy is too powered, we will tend to rationalize everything that happens around us, disconnecting from emotions.
If we analyze the horoscope, it begins with a polarized sing in the masculine energy (Aries), then it continues with a polarized sign in the feminine energy (Taurus) and from there successively, alternating. Finally, we will show you how the distribution of the polarized signs are represented in one or another energy:
What are the signs polarized in the feminine energy?
The signs polarized in the feminine energy are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces (signs with even numbers: 2,4,6,8,10, and 12). These signs are mainly introverts. They present an expectant attitude, mainly passive and in harmony with their surroundings. Instead of moving actively towards what they want, they attract it to themselves magnetically. When faced with the outer world they present a more reserved and timid attitude.
What are the signs polarized in the masculine energy?
On the other hand, the signs polarized in the masculine energy are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius (signs with odd numbers: 1,3,5,7,9, and 11). These signs are extroverts, facing outward. They have a lot of activity and initiate things. When they attempt something, instead of waiting for it to happen, they go for it with all their resources, acting directly over the mediums that surround them.
Remember that we all have both energies within us, beyond gender or life choices, and working to balance both energies will allow us to reach a state of calm and well-being. Find out what energy is missing in your life and go for it, so that you can achieve the balance you desire.
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