Know the energy that will influence your Zodiac Sign: A Portal of Transformation and Surprises.

On November 15th, the night sky will host a Full Moon in the sign of Taurus, illuminating the cosmos at 24 degrees of this Earth sign, known for its stability and constancy.

However, this will not be a typical lunation, as it will be deeply influenced by the presence of Uranus, the planet of unexpected changes and radical transformations. This astrological event will not only mark the closing of a cycle that began last May but also invites us to reflect on the profound changes that have shaped our lives since Uranus's transit through Taurus in 2018.

A Cycle Culminates: Reflections on Taurus and Uranus

The November Full Moon is the last in Taurus that will be accompanied by Uranus for the next 84 years. Since 2018, this transit has revolutionized areas related to self-worth, finances, natural resources, and our perception of pleasure and beauty. During this period, we have witnessed a collective shift around ecology, sustainability, and the global economy. Therefore, this lunation becomes an ideal moment to observe how we have evolved in our priorities and how challenges have led us to redefine fundamental concepts about abundance and resources.

Uranus, true to its disruptive nature, has brought drastic changes that, while initially disconcerting, have propelled our ability to adapt and grow. This Full Moon illuminates not only our personal goals but also the lessons we have learned in recent years.

Venus: The Ruler of Taurus Orchestrating this Lunation

The prominence of Venus, ruler of Taurus, adds a special dimension to this Full Moon. In Capricorn, and approaching a square with the lunar nodes, Venus amplifies emotions related to karmic connections and intertwined destinies. Relationships entering or leaving our lives during this time will not be coincidental but marked by profound spiritual or emotional significance.

Additionally, Saturn, in Pisces and resuming its direct motion, provides us with a dose of clarity and emotional balance, offering the necessary support to process the changes ahead.

How This Full Moon Affects You Personally

This celestial event calls for introspection and release. It invites us to let go of what no longer serves us, whether in our relationships, habits, or ways of valuing our economy and personal resources. With Uranus as a catalyst, the days surrounding this lunation will be marked by surprises, revelations, and the need to break away from old structures.

The physical body will be a key ally in this process. Taurus, as an Earth sign, reminds us of the importance of taking care of our basic needs. Listening to our bodies, moving, and connecting with nature will be essential practices to manage the intensity of this lunation.

For those who set intentions during the New Moon in Taurus in May, this is a crucial moment to evaluate progress and celebrate achievements, no matter how small.

7 Questions for Your Transit During the Full Moon in Taurus

1. What aspects of my life deserve strengthening, and which ones is it time to transform?

2. How am I prioritizing the use of my time and energy?

3. How connected do I feel with my body, and how do I care for my physical well-being?

4. In what ways can I cultivate more pleasure and satisfaction in the coming months?

5. How do I evaluate my current financial situation and economic goals?

6. Is it necessary to reorganize my possessions or investments for greater stability?

7. How do I manage shared resources, and what adjustments could benefit me?


Impact of the Full Moon According to Your Zodiac Sign

The influence of the Full Moon in Taurus brings a range of transformative energies for each zodiac sign, illuminating key areas of life that invite change, introspection, and action. Let's see how it affects each sign in detail.

#### **Taurus**

The Full Moon lands in your first house, awakening your true self. It's time to leave behind fears that lead you to hide parts of your personality. Your shine may not be accepted by everyone, but this lunation pushes you to embrace it and surround yourself with those who value your authenticity. You might also feel an increase in stress due to emotional intensity, so activities like dancing and connecting with nature will help you balance.

**Lunar Advice:** Open your mind to new experiences and let go of limiting beliefs.

#### **Scorpio**

This is a period of deep transformations in your partnerships and relationships. The energy of Uranus alongside the Full Moon can provoke unexpected changes: from significant encounters to abrupt breakups. If you're in a relationship, you might explore new dynamics or decide to free yourself from bonds that no longer resonate with you.

**Lunar Advice:** Manage stress by dedicating time to introspection and self-care.

#### **Leo**

The 10th house lights up, bringing professional and personal recognition. It's a moment of culmination for projects you started months ago. Whether it's a job promotion, a romantic commitment, or the realization of a dream, trust in your previous work and take the leap towards what you desire.

**Lunar Advice:** Thank your family for their support. How about a getaway to celebrate together?

#### **Aquarius**

The Full Moon in your fourth house suggests changes in your home or family dynamics. You might feel the need to move, redecorate, or even release family ties that limit you. This is a time of emotional release and reconnection with your inner foundation.

**Lunar Advice:** Channel your emotions through dance or artistic activities.


#### **Capricorn**
With Venus illuminating your 5th house, it's an excellent time to shine in matters of creativity, romance, and self-expression. Any effort you've made to connect with your authenticity now shines brightly. You might receive positive surprises in love or artistic projects.

**Lunar Advice:** Share your achievements with those who have been with you in the process.

#### **Libra**
The influence of Venus in this lunation brings good news related to home and economy. You might close an important contract or free yourself from debts while strengthening family ties. Abundance comes as a result of overcoming previous fears and limitations.

**Lunar Advice:** Use this energy to reorganize your finances and personal projects.

#### **Pisces**
With the Full Moon in your communication house, this is the ideal time to express thoughts or emotions you've been holding back. You might also start studies, plan a short trip, or strengthen bonds with friends and siblings. Saturn direct in your sign facilitates progress in areas that felt stagnant.

**Lunar Advice:** Open your mind to continuous learning.

#### **Cancer**
The Full Moon illuminates your social relationships, helping you release connections that no longer resonate with you. This is a period to consolidate friendships that value your essence and consider new collaborative projects that align with your current ideals.

**Lunar Advice:** Take time to reflect on which relationships add value to your life.


#### **Virgo**
A cycle closes regarding your beliefs and philosophy of life. Opportunities may arise to travel or study something that broadens your perspective. It's also a good time to commit more deeply to love and relationships.

**Lunar Advice:** Be brave and step out of your comfort zone.

#### **Aries**
The Full Moon in your 2nd house indicates a significant change in your finances and self-worth. You might receive an opportunity to generate income, make a significant purchase, or restructure your relationship with money.

**Lunar Advice:** Focus on investments that align with your long-term goals.

#### **Gemini**
The 12th house activates, increasing your intuition and sensitivity. This is a time to close cycles and heal emotional wounds. Pay attention to your dreams and signs, as you might receive important messages from within or from your spiritual guides.

**Lunar Advice:** Dedicate time to meditate and release what you no longer need.

#### **Sagittarius**
It's time to let go of commitments or projects that drain you. The energy of the Full Moon pushes you to break bad habits and focus on your physical and emotional well-being. The help of your family will be key to achieving this.

**Lunar Advice:** Surround yourself with people who support you on your path to a more balanced life.

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