Get to know this unique alternative medicine experience by exploring the following article.

Reiki is an alternative and millenary therapy that aims to explore within us a spiritual and organic healing.

The practices involved in this type of therapy will help us to promote the relaxation of the nervous system, as well as benefit the blood flow and improve the metabolism of our bodies.

Testimonies of hundreds of people who practice it daily around the world, show that it has influence on emotional disorders, which can also alleviate symptoms or enhance treatments.

With the management of energies a unique mental clarity is achieved, generating a balance with the environment and a reunion with the inner self.

The power of this therapy is so powerful that we will feel a unique degree of openness of the heart, reprogramming the absolute belief system that we currently have.

To achieve this awareness on a daily basis, we must be responsible for our actions and decisions without placing the blame outside ourselves.


The word Reiki comes from the Japanese language. Like almost all words in that language it is composed of two parts, "rei" means "universal" and the second part, "ki", represents the vital energy that flows through the five senses.

This energy can be represented and called in different ways. For example in India it is called Prana, in China it is called Chi, in some religions it can be treated as the Holy Spirit and in Japan, where this therapy originates, it is called Ki.

The therapy consists of transmission of universal energy through the laying on of hands. It can be on the body of another person or self-practiced. It is done through a series of figures that are performed with the hands and the sessions can be in person or remotely.

Ancient civilizations used this therapy, it is even said that Jesus Christ somehow learned the art of Reiki in India and practiced it with the sick.

For strange reasons, at some point in history its practice was extinguished and regained presence between 1970 and 1980 where it was rediscovered by Mikao Usui and put into practice assiduously, expanding its healing benefits.


Mikao Usui was a Buddhist and as such held the idea that we are all one unit. This definition is key to understanding the Reiki paradigm. That is, we all experience oneness with the cosmos, going back to the origin of our energies.

All things, people and living things have energy, in essence. It is neither positive nor negative. Mothers for example heal their children without being aware of it, by touching or transmitting energy.

The Pillars of Reiki

The Pillars of Reiki are: Gassho, Reiji and Hoy Chiryo.

These three pillars individually and combined have special meanings.
For example "Gassho" means two hands joining hands. If we continue with "Chiryo" we can find that its definition means treatment. "Today Chiryio" represents in its meaning aligning fears and life mission.

If we analyze its combined meaning, we can find that our life mission is to be able to develop our spiritual and emotional healing gifts.

Reiki is based on Hindu beliefs, where the human being has a series of pre-existing health states. These scenarios may or may not create existential blockages along the energetic chakras of the body. These power elements come from Sanskrit and represent the wheel or disc of energy in our being. 

The charkas are energy centers located in the human body.
They are seven, where we find the root chakra, the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown chakra. 

The energy should flow freely through these chakras but sometimes for different reasons it gets clogged producing illnesses or imbalances. According to the philosophy of reiki, for example, regrets lower the energetic frequency.


Five basic principles of Reiki

1- Focus only on today: in the present.
2- Do not get angry
3- Always say thank you
4- Work honestly
5- Be gentle with others

The practice promotes the cleansing of thoughts, actions and deeds and helps to control the state of vibration. It has no major contraindications but we must keep in mind that if someone who is unbalanced gives us a reiki session can disharmonize us, so it is important to look for people who can circulate our energy in a natural way.


A Reiki session can last a maximum of 45 minutes. This is recommended for the person who decides to do this therapy, as well as for the person who facilitates the cleansing. Many energies and emotional states will be moved and exchanged. It is necessary and fair for both beings to be able to deal naturally and evenly with this energetic session.

At the end, the person has a sense of peace and may feel hot or cold and sleepy, depending on each body.

There are several modalities of Reiki therapy. There is a traditional Reiki, the so-called Kundalini and Akashic. Depending on the type of approach, situations from this life or from past lives can be worked on.

Sometimes these types of therapies are implemented to resolve situations that generated traumas or left emotional wounds in the inner being. After a session it usually also produces states of emotional detoxification, which can cause sleep, diarrhea, fever, crying, etc.

It is important to clarify that it is not a substitute for any medical treatment under any point of view. These alternative therapies are tools that complement our self-knowledge. They can help us to heal different deep issues of our hearts and emotions.

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