Today we will tell you who the multimillionaires in the world are and what their signs are. You will be able to see what the characteristics are of the signs that are most predisposed to making their fortunes, and in the end, we will tell you which three signs of the zodiac the richest people who make the greatest fortunes belong to. Will your sign be among them?
Aries and fortune
Aries is a sign that is very confident in himself, he is honest and relates well with others. They are leaders and love to give directions. They are also passionate and like to help causes they believe in. They are ambitious, but fear losing. Those who belong to this sign:
- Mukesh Ambani, who has a fortune of $48.5 billion dollar net worth and is the richest man in India.
- Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, has $51.9 billion dollar net worth.
- Amancio Ortega, the founder of the Zara clothing and accessory chain has a 64.2 billion dollar net worth.
Taurus and fortune
It is a practical sign, stable and persevering. Has great talent in business and money management. They are sometimes insecure and reject change, this can play against them.
- Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook, with $61.4 billion dollar net worth
- Susanne Klatten president of BMW has a $20.2 billion dollars net worth
Gemini and fortune
They learn quickly and like to work as a team, everything is interesting to them and they adapt very quickly to change. They are lively and imaginative. They can be a bit self-centered and need praise from others.
- Jim Walton CEO of Wal-Mart with a $46 billion dollar net worth
- David Thomson president of the Reuters agency with a net worth of $32.3 billion dollars
Cancer and fortune
Protectors, responsible, and conservative. Loyal and persevering. They are dominant people. They can sometimes be disorganized, insecure, and unstable.
- Elon Musk: Founder of Tesla Motors, $21.9 billion dollar net worth
- Charlene de Carvalho Heineken, the owner of Heineken whose fortune is valued at $15.2 billion dollar net worth
Leo and fortune
Creative, adventurous, warm, enjoy risks. Dominant, in leadership positions, sometimes have a difficult character, a bit headstrong.
- Sergei Brin, co-founder of Google, possesses a $51 billion dollar net worth
- Larry Ellison founder of Oracle, with $62.8 billion dollars net worth
Virgo and fortune
Have a large capacity for standing out in different professions, they are organized and analytical, methodical. sometimes are too demanding and critical.
- Warren Buffet, with $83.5 billion dollars net worth, president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway the third fortune in the world
- Jack Ma Chinese businessman founder of Ali Babá with $37.5 billion dollar net worth
Libra and fortune
it is a social, peaceful, and trustworthy sign. Sometimes insecure when making decisions. Cooperative and responsible. They do not feel comfortable with conflict.
- Lilian Bettencourt is the owner of L’oreal and has a $44.9 billion dollar net worth
- Steffan Persson is the president of H & M with a fortune of $15.7 billion dollar net worth
Scorpio and fortune
Natural capacity for leading enterprises, even though they sometimes are obstinate and lack confidence, they know how to invest wisely.
- Bill Gates is a Scorpio and is the richest man in the world. He is the owner of microsoft and has an estimated fortune of $97 Billion net worth
- Steve Jobs' widow, Laurene Powell has an $18.7 Billion net worth
Sagittarius and fortune
The idealists of the Zodiac, are generous and blunt. Sometimes they are a bit superficial and irresponsible. They have a good sense of humor and are blunt.
- Lei Jun founder of Xiaomi with $10.4 Billion net worth
- Anne Cox Chambers, owner of a media chain, with $8.1 Billion net worth
Capricorn and fortune
They are reserved and calm and are afraid of being broke. The people in this sign distinguish themselves for being responsible, disciplined, ambitious, and cautious.
- Jeff Bezos, was showing at $143.1 billion net worth, that will surely diminish after his recently announced divorce. He heads the Forbes list as one of the richest people in the world. He is the founder of amazon, which he started with his ex-wife and the support of his parents, making the sales from the garage at his house.
- The president of Samsung Lee Kun- Hee has a net worth of $17.3 Billion, he is the third son of the founder of Samsung.
Aquarius and fortune
Honest, loyal, and humanitarian. Independent and sometimes impulsive and intolerant. They are brilliant when they fight for a good cause.
- Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York, with a $57 Billion net worth.
- Tadashi Yanai, founder of UNIQLO with a $23.3 billion net worth
- Carlos Slim with $62 billion net worth
Piscis and fortune
They are very talented and loyal, very good in business even though competition is not their thing. Good rulers, born to lead.
- Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX and the main character in multiple scandals, $19.7 Billion net worth
Heading the list...
The main three positions of the signs of the Zodiac with the most Millions on the Forbes list are:
- With 14 people: Leo
- With 11 Millionaires: tie between Libra y Aquarius
- And in third place with 10 Millionaires: Aries
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