Discovering the Power of Totem Animals. Find in the following article your Inner Guide to your hidden personality.
In the vast realm of nature, there is a deep connection between humans and animals. Since time immemorial, we have felt a special attraction to certain animals and have been influenced by them. These animals, known as power animals or animal totems, are beings that rule us and accompany us from birth.
Although not all people are aware of what their power animal is, we all feel an affinity towards one or more of them and admire their characteristics and abilities.
It is important to note that the power animal is not chosen by us, but it is the animal that chooses us. We are attracted to them because of the qualities and abilities they possess, and we see ourselves reflected in their energy and essence. They are our guides and protectors on our journey through life, and they teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and the world around us.
In the search for our power animals, it is common to find a triad of animals rather than just one. Some believe that as many as nine animals can influence us, but generally three are considered. In this triad, there is a primary animal that acts as a leader, a secondary animal and a tertiary animal. Each of them brings its own characteristics and wisdom to our life, enriching our experience and helping us grow in different aspects.
Now the question arises: how can we discover which are our power animals? There is no specific method to do so, as each person may have his or her own unique connection with the animals. Some people turn to guided meditations to connect with their inner guidance and discover their power animals.
Others find clues in their dreams, where certain animals may appear on a recurring basis. In addition, paying attention to the sensations and emotions that certain animals awaken in us can also be revealing.
A simple exercise to discover our power animals is to perform a self-analysis. Reflecting on our abilities, weaknesses, and qualities that we admire or reject can reveal clues about the animals that guide us.
It is not just the animals we like or the pets we choose, but rather those animals that evoke specific emotions in us, such as admiration and respect.
Let's look at some examples of power animals and their characteristics:
The bee represents wisdom, concentration, prosperity and work. It is also said to have the ability to communicate with the dead.
The spider symbolizes work, elegance, courage and spirituality. It is able to see the unseen and is associated with the webs of destiny. It also represents feminine and life-creating energy.
The whale is associated with intense psychism, ancient wisdom, knowledge and beauty. Its grace and ability to feel deeply make it a powerful power animal.
The owl is a symbol of wisdom, observation, secrets and prudence. It represents vigilance and augurs good omens.
The horse represents strength, grace, freedom, fidelity and friendship. It is considered the guardian of movement and teaches us the value of moving forward.
The cobra symbolizes transmutation, eternity and past lives. Its freedom and depth of soul invite us to explore our own being.
The crocodile represents mother earth and teaches us to understand deception, patience and observation. It also connects us to ancient lives and their teachings.
The hummingbird is symbolic of patience, healing, voice and quick, brief flight. It brings us joy and love, and possesses the ability to fly to small places to heal.
The dolphin represents knowledge and love for the sea. It teaches us balance, harmony and the ability to communicate. Their empathy, freedom and sense of rhythm connect us to the cycles of life..
The elephant is the bearer of ancient wisdom and represents the power of old age. It teaches us the value of respect, trust and patience.
The cat symbolizes autonomy, independence and the vision of the unseen. It persists in struggle and connects us with our sensuality.
The lion represents brotherhood, authority and courage. It teaches us the importance of family ties, responsibility and superiority.
The wolf symbolizes death and rebirth. It inspires courage and superiority, and its wisdom allows us to face the end with dignity and courage.
These are just examples of the many animals of power that exist. If any of them particularly catches your attention and awakens your admiration, I invite you to investigate more about that animal, as it could be one of your power animals.
Discovering our power animals is not an easy process, but with patience and self-knowledge we can do it. By connecting with our power animals, we open ourselves to their wisdom and learn valuable lessons about ourselves and our purpose in life. They guide us on our journey, provide protection and help us unleash our truest potential.
So, I invite you to explore your connection with animals and discover what your power animals are. Allow yourself to immerse yourself in the world of nature and let yourself be guided by those beings that call to you from deep within. In their presence, you will find an inexhaustible source of inspiration, wisdom and guidance on your path to authenticity and personal growth.
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