Virgo Horoscope Predictions for the year 2023: know which energies will be favored this year.

We share the reading and interpretation of the energies of the elements of VIRGO.

Virgo, this 2023, financial moves and decisions can bring a bountiful harvest for people of the sign of Virgo, as the lunar nodes will redirect your energy to your financial axis (Aries - Libra) starting July 17. The South Node in Libra will demand budgeting and planning. So you should be preparing to settle debts and check if your fees, contract or rate, are fair.

Astrology indicates that love takes a turn toward the serious, toward a new degree of intimacy in 2023. As we discussed in the 2023 horoscopes, on July 17, the North Node arrives in Aries, igniting a bonfire in your zone of seduction and intimacy. Erotic connections will be a religious experience for Virgo women during this cycle, which will last another 18 months.


Love and Couples

From January to April, your zone of intimacy and joint investments will be very hot, so you will want privacy while making decisions regarding your life as a couple, whether it is a joint purchase, a divorce or an erotic awakening. In this period you should resolve joint issues and get serious about the status of your relationship.

However, before you get too attached, you should know that freedom will be your greatest aphrodisiac, between May and December, when Jupiter passes through Taurus. In these months you may meet a new partner while traveling or while exploring a new zip code on your dating app. Cross-cultural connections can bring a lot of sparkle.


Saturn arrives in your relationship and commitment zone in March of this year, and stays there all year. While you will want certainty about your marital status, you may feel equally resistant to betting it all on the relationship. Circumstances or distance may prevent you and your partner from taking things to the next level.


January through April is when you should get serious about buying property, getting your taxes in order, or writing your will. From May onward, keep your suitcase handy, because you may take trips for work. Virgos who work in media may have a lucky break. Consider writing that book or starting your lifestyle blog. During the second half of the year, your career plans will focus on education, entrepreneurship and travel.

It is important to note that beginning in July, with eclipses and lunar nodes on your money axis, opportunities to invest, make profits, and create new sources of income may arrive. However, you should be careful when making financial decisions and make sure you have a solid budget and a long-term plan in mind.


Health and Well-being

Astrology also tells us that people of the sign of Virgo have good news regarding their health and well-being in 2023. Jupiter will be in your adventure zone this year, so it's important to get your body moving and stay active. This may include exercising regularly, practicing yoga or any other physical activity you enjoy.

In addition, you should pay attention to your mental and emotional health. Saturn in your commitment zone can bring stress or anxiety, it is important that you find time to relax and practice meditation. You should surround yourself with positive people and work on developing an attitude of gratitude and positivity to help you overcome any challenges you face.


Key to the Year: 2023 is a year full of opportunities for people of the sign of Virgo in terms of love, money and health. However, you must be prepared to work hard and be strategic in your decisions. It is important that you keep in mind the astrological influences and the stages of the lunar cycle as you move through the year. With a positive mindset and a solid plan of action, we are confident that you will achieve your goals and feel at peace and in harmony with yourself.

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