Chinese Horoscope Predictions for the Horse: know which element of your animal will be favored in this week of October.

We share the reading and interpretation of the energies of the elements surrounding the HORSE. Those people who were born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

Horse, try saying yes for a whole week. No to things that hurt you, of course, but try not to make "no" an automatic response. If your children want to play at something, try a yes.

Even if it's only for 5 minutes, play with them. If a friend asks you to go out for burgers on a Monday night, say yes.

You'll be surprised at the consequences of opening yourself up to the world. You will surely gain a lot more in experiences and memories than if your first answer to everything is a resounding "no".

Key to the Week: You will learn that new emotions emerge from your positive decisions.

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