Chinese Horoscope Predictions for Rabbit: know which element of your animal will be favored in this month.
We share the reading and interpretation of the energies of the elements surrounding the RABBIT. Those who were born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.
Rabbit, at this moment, you feel deserving of your achievements. This was not the case a long time ago. You are not afraid of people seeing what you have achieved, you are not worried about envy or what people will say.
You walk in with your head held high, confident. Just as you believe you are worthy of achievement, you also believe you are worthy of love. Many people worry that they do not deserve love.
This may have its roots in traumas they have had, in adverse childhood situations.
Key of the month: notice this in your heart: we all deserve love, the purest, the most beautiful.
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