Psychomagic is a therapy created by Alejandro Jodorowsky and whose objective is to heal trauma through psychomagic acts, reaching the unconscious. What does this mean? We will tell you in the following.
Who is Alejandro Jodorosky?
"What I give, I give to myself. What I don't give, I take away from myself. Nothing for me that is not for others." Alejandro Jodorowsky was born in Chile in 1929, in the bosom of a family of russian-jewish immigrants. Through art and poetry he begins to perceive that there are truths whose understanding goes beyond what is taught in schools. He is a self-taught, comedy writer, playwright, therapist, artist, and movie director. He lived many years in mexico, where he dedicated himself to study shaman and witch doctor therapies. For many years he studied symbolic languages such as tarot and metagenealogy (therapy of the family tree) and created Psychomagic, a discipline that has many followers, adepts, disciples, and detractors. In 1980 he became a French national. On February 17 he turned 90 years of age and is still active in his projects and therapies.
The Psychomagic is a healing practice that acts through symbol and metaphor, essentially with the language of dreams. The technique is the result of his long personal experience of psychoanalysis with Eric Fromm, his investigations with latin-american shamanism and, especially, his relationship with scenic arts. The psychomagic acts seek that the patient may face the pain, connect with the present moment (the here and now), and overcome fears. In psychomagic the client is offered concrete actions, to perform a symbolic act that will restore their memory and allow them to perform the infeasible. To understand why this works, we must take into account one of the characteristics of the unconscious: The unconscious does not judge, it is irrational and therefore symbolic things for the unconscious is as real as what is consciously real to us. The acts that the psychologist recommends are usually very uncomfortable and unpredictable acts. He defines these acts as "poetic acts".
We live in vicious circles of mental, emotional and physical habits, when we break them a new version of ourselves appears. When we leave the mold behind, healing begins. We have to do something we have not done and the harder the better. When we get away from ourselves we discover new energies within us. People in general only change their level of consciousness when they are in serious trouble such as ecological catastrophe or terrorism.
The crowd is afraid of the archetypes because the archetypes are contents of higher awareness and that produce fear, especially to people who do not want to change. Every time we face archetypes we are facing a dissolution of identity. In order to change you have to want to change, when we become aware then we transform, we become another person. We identify with our limits, our illnesses, with our family, our social and cultural environment so there is a fear and panic to change. Somehow we have to reposition this gag reflex of our instincts and our emotions in order to become freer beings.
The therapy uses dance, poetry, painting, music, sculpture, gastronomy, aromatherapy, Tarot, etc. The healers use what Jodorowsky calls a "sacred trap". For a miracle to be performed, it is necessary for the client to believe that there can be miracles. Since the rational mind lives inside a bunker without faith, the sorcerer, by prestidigitation, shows it a false miracle. The consultant is awed and believes. Then, you can open the door to the magical world, that is to say the true, the vital, where you are what you are and not what family, society and culture wants you to be.
An example of a psychomagic act: A woman suffers from permanent anguish. Jodorowsky asks about her germinal stage and discovers suffering. He recommends that she reproduce her germinal stage and recreate her birth. She must agree along with her mother that she be placed, both naked, within the area of the abdomen, which receives a lot of love and positive energy and then she relives her birth from between sheets that will cover her in the process. All an ideal staging of a new birth.
In short, psychomagic is a tool for self-observation, self-knowledge, and self-transformation.
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