Today we will see where the STARS are in April since their location will indicate how their transit influences our lives. Do you dare?
In April, the Sun will be present in Aries until the 21st, when it will enter Taurus. This month Venus and Mercury will make themselves be felt. Venus will be in Gemini, where she will retrograde on May 13th. On April 4th, for its part, we will have the conjunction, Jupiter, with Pluto which occurs every 13 years approximately! Jupiter's significant and lasting changes, coupled with Pluto's immense influence on the world, will bring profound social changes.
After the conjunction of Saturn and Mars on March 31st, it is imperative to order the chaotic energies, the contradictions and moderate the frustrations. There have been two very intense influences and we must make them play in our favor, which can greatly facilitate the journey.
1. What will APRIL bring for the FIRE signs
Aries: Aries is the sign of the beginning, the first, the one that has the vital impulse that action represents. Everything that was stuck, complicated, and required so much effort, will slowly find its place. The relationship with the elders is ordered by the presence of Saturn in the sign. Mars in a good aspect favors them with greater vitality, they will feel energized to carry out the necessary activities. Mars is a warrior who accompanies fights, and this is a time of battles. Venus will be in a very favorable step for this sign: they should not worry about money, with Venus in favor, everything will return to normal in due course. Mercury will be in the sign from April 12 to 27, moderate your words and will not generate conflicts. Beware of impulsiveness.
Leo: We will have to resort to patience because some plans are delayed. Work steadily, and avoid being disappointed if not everything goes as we wanted. When the reward is delayed, it can be gained in wisdom. Inharmonious Mars involves challenges, seeking calm and not getting impatient. On March 31st the conjunction Mars - Saturn increased stress, so they must resort to silence, calm and relaxation. Venus is very favorable, so there will be gains in well-being and affection. Great stimuli for the intellectual and the study, projects come out.
Sagittarius: Sagittarius will have the vitality that Mars gives it, energy and enthusiasm that should not be exhausted. Sagittarius exaggerates and exceeds its demand. It has the good indirect influence of Venus, a great encouragement to create, do projects and imagine the changes you want in your future. Freedom is so important to Sagittarius that anyone who tries to inhibit it will be set apart. Good possibilities for personal development and growth if you overcome the confusion generated by the unpredictable.
2. What will APRIL bring for the EARTH signs?
Taurus: Taurus will use his usual patience, accompanied by the perseverance that makes him achieve success in his projects. It won't cost you much to put it into practice. Taurus is not afraid of work. While you don't like change, the keyword is reorganization. Because nothing prevents achievement, there will only be small modifications. Eliminate tension with patience, acceptance and looking for the positive at every step. Avoid impatience, it is a dead-end that wears out.
Virgo: Some conflicts and challenges, nothing Virgo can't handle, but beware of the stress that affects you a lot. Venus influences negatively, it is not at a good angle. It is good to wait until the astral aspects improve to start or formalize links. Everything needs the right time to germinate and anxiety does not lead to success. They should have relaxing moments, choose activities among those that give them pleasure, and rest. Art, reading and music will be the best refuge.
Capricorn: Prudence with business and travel, it is time to stop and think. Do not act on impulse. It is time for reflection. Separate the tensions of the environment from what is now your private life, if you do not do so, you will lose affection. The conjunction Jupiter - Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th, accelerates deep changes in the bosom of the personality and life goals. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn destroying what no longer has a reason to exist, moves structures.
3. What will APRIL bring for AIR signs?
Gemini: It is influenced by Saturn that confronts us with the reality that sometimes we do not want to see. It orders us and helps us work forward. He will put things in his place, Gemini receives him positively and will favor him in everything that is the result of his effort. Venus will be in Gemini from April 2nd to August, although in part retrograde, although Venus has to do with the links, they mark a change of perspective. You will know what it is about. It is a double sign and that influences so that the influence is in relation to communication, and in different directions.
Libra: We already know that the air signs receive Saturn in the first days, favoring everything related to possessions, land, ancestors and older relatives. Everything has to do with the passage of time, work and effort. This will be favored. Mars gives them strength and health. They will feel in good shape, do not neglect diet and prevention measures. Venus helps with her good energy. Just be careful with investments.
Aquarius: Mars enters the sign on March 31st, it is concretion, reality, strength, and determination. It will be there until mid-May. It is time for progress, for decisions, for undertaking and defining the steps to follow. Beware of impulsiveness in words and behavior with others. Take advantage of energy but dose, regulate stress. Venus is favorable so enjoy good relationships and create new bonds.
4- What will APRIL bring for the WATER signs?
Cancer: Keep calm, everything will return to its course. In money matters, don't innovate, don't risk. It will not be lacking, but it will not remain, and it is not a time for risks. Use intelligence to manage internal and external tensions. All of this is going to happen, and you must be careful of the tensions from outside. There are conflicts in which you should not participate, try to stay calm and let the time pass that will clarify them. Fighting with others does not solve anything, keep the links, which are the strength of Cancer.
Scorpio: Saturn is accompanied by hard work and personal effort, organization and system. They must have patience because the benefit will come and sooner than thought. Nothing better than a positive attitude to accompany the presence of a planet that is taciturn, slow but firm, and is associated with Cronos, the god of time. There is no use rushing. In this period, there is nothing better than stimulating empathy and developing the capacity to wait, not allowing the frustration generated by impatience to appear. Everything will come, in due time.
Pisces: Venus in transit on the unfavorable side like Virgo, some difficulties with ties, conflicts, which will not matter if you know how to act avoiding confrontations. On April 3rd Mercury in Pisces, where he will stay until April 11th, can promote spiritual elevation and lucidity of mind that produces benefits. Good period for deals and seed labor projects, all this will prosper. Rest, laughter, joy are imperative; work for it.
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