February is a particular month, and especially this 2020, which, being a lip leap year, will last 29 days. It will also be a month of the supermoon in the sign of Leo, on day 9; and he will be influenced by the new moon in Pisces on the 23rd. How will this affect your sign?

During February, the Sun in Pisces promotes interiority, introspection, and self-knowledge. The retrogression of Mercury in Pisces begins on the 16th and that can be confusing, therefore they must reflect and avoid impulses. The 7th enters Venus in Aries and the 16th Mars enters Capricorn; on the 19th the Sun will be in Pisces, the 21st Mars in Capricorn and the 28th Venus in Aries. Let's see what happens in particular with each sign!

1. What will FEBRUARY bring for the signs of FIRE?

Aries: Aries will be a magnet for good things in the month of February. In the middle of the month romanticism increases and the chances of being surrounded by affection will make you feel special. Towards the end of the month there are extra profits, good possibilities to realize business. The Sun at Casa XI increases social ties in all areas. Certain impatience they should ignore.


Leo: Walking a special path, the lion will be very focused on his goals. Uranus in House X takes care of helping him build a strategy that will lead him where he wishes to reach. It is essential that you do not neglect leisure time especially with friends, and that you pay special attention to your family and social life because when Leo becomes obsessed he does not see anything else around him until it is late. Be firm with physical activity and healthy food.

Sagittarius: It is always a spiritual sign and you need to withdraw and spend time with yourself. Now more than ever and you should take the opportunity to observe those around you and make decisions for this astral year that is about to begin. Some family tyes will change. They have neglected their health but are in time to recover. They must change their habits urgently, in a few months, it will be late. Mars in Sagittarius until February 17th, is a planet of action and it is convenient for Sagittarius its impulse since it costs him to realize his ideas.

2. What will FEBRUARY bring for EARTH signs? 

Taurus: On the 9th there is a full moon in Leo will touch House IV of Taurus, it has to do with family, parents, and children. It may involve new projects or removals. Uranus will be in the first grades of Taurus, it also implies changes, which bothers Taurus a bit, which is the strongest sign of all. Expand intuition, Taurus must listen and trust.

Virgo: Mercury begins its first annual retrogradation on the 16th, under the influence of Pisces. Beware of everything Virgo represses because it can be expensive for your health. It is important that you approach any artistic manifestation: music, painting, literature, etc. and that you start your fantasy. He runs the risk of being isolated, between the bars he builds for himself. You need to relax with activities such as gardening, yoga or meditation.


Capricorn: Mars in the sign from the 16th, and also the stellium that increases restlessness and activity. Take the opportunity to play sports and eat healthy, without exaggeration. Prioritize the moments of rest. Capricorn needs more peace and introversion at this stage. You must decide where your path goes. Nothing will change if it is not proposed before. Planning is your weak point and you get easily distracted by forgetting your goals. They should write them down and put them in a visible place.

3. What will FEBRUARY bring for AIR signs? 

Gemini: The 16h enters Mars to Gemini, in House VIII in which is the stellium of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. This House refers us to the hidden, the unknown, the interiority, the depth of the affections and the sensuality. A world to explore and in no way ignore. Knowledge makes us strong. The work is the strength of this month, in which they will see fruits of the effort. Finance improves and with them the mood.


Libra: To seek and clarify the objectives of this year because the astral year is ending and you are still not sure what you want for this year that begins in March. Seriously consider eating habits and physical exercise. You need to relax with reading, music and rest. Check your relationships and if you detect any conflict, lower the weapons and let it mature. It is such a mediating sign that you are always welcome, but you should take more care of yourself even if that sounds selfish to you.


Aquarius: This year 2020, the Sun will cross the constellation of Aquarius from January 21st to February 19th. There are desired changes in couples, the full moon in Leo on the 9th brings greater harmony to Aquarius, but if there are ruptures, they are because it is what will allow them to advance both. Seek freedom because you run the risk of being trapped by a job, a partner or a complicated friendship. They are not afraid of changes, they are to ascend and feel better.

4. What will FEBRUARY bring for the signs of WATER?

Cancer: The moon in Leo from the 9th touches House II of Cancer and is related to material and spiritual resources. If there are debts they settle. The rising labor. The love life is at its peak, it will be interesting and will meet your expectations. February will be easier and happier. You leave an intense January and with surprises, February will be calmer. You must do your part so that what you want is done, nothing will be given to you on a tray, but it is within your reach.


Scorpio: Beware of romantic relationships, there are times of doubt. Do not move anything until you are sure that it is what you really want, do not hurry. Secrets that influence shaking the waters can be known. Be serene and trust the people you love. Go to work because it is a stage of possible strong growth. Seek to be calm.

Pisces: Venus is in Pisces until February 8th, brings very positive changes in love, all kinds of ties are seen in a new light. Mercury enters Pisces on the 8th, intellectuals, but also creation and imagination. There is an inner growth that is experiencing the sign, it is time for introversion and observing our vital lines. Deciding the path is prior to traveling, and accepting the unexpected makes us wise. They will learn to value themselves and that will be transmitted, allowing job growth. There are old wounds that will heal.

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