September is loaded with information and what better way to interpret the astral movements in order to get ahead and be ready for what is to come? Here we will tell you all you need to know to transit a September in harmony September is loaded with information and what better way to interpret the astral movements to get ahead and be ready to come? Here we will tell you all you need to know to go through a September in harmony and take advantage of all the opportunities that arise!
During the month of September 2019, some astral phenomena will occur to take into account: Saturn will enter in Capricorn on the 18th and the Sun in the sign of Libra will enter on the 23rd, which leads us to be attentive to the bonds and emotional relationships in general. The personal disposition, the attention and care that we put in them will determine the final result. In relation to the lunar phases we have the following dates: the Fourth Crescent in Sagittarius will be September 6th, the Full Moon arrives in Pisces on the 14th, we will have a waning quarter in Gemini on the 22nd and finally, there will be New Moon in Libra on the 28th.
1. What will SEPTEMBER bring for the Signs of Fire?
Aries: Aries is always in a hurry, is impulsive and has great energy that sometimes, not stopping to think, does not channels correctly. Let's start with love, they come from a good month and they must be cautious after the 14th because Venus is in opposition in Libra. A month of unstable finances that you will solve if you don´t act on impulse. There may be some problems with the family, in which patience and willingness to listen to the other will be indispensable values, and in October they will be solved. On 24th the Moon in Cancer increases doubts and instability. On the 28th there is a conflictive moon, watch out for expenses, taking general precautions will suffice.
Leo: Lions always keep a somewhat inflexible side hidden, but their great vitality and perseverance help them a lot. They always stand out, we can't think of a lion that goes unnoticed. Jupiter in Harmonic Sagittarius supports them this year. Together with house nine it means a year of bonanza and progress. As of September 14, unexpected encounters, refloat friendship and increase family relationships. From 14 also Mercury and Venus will be in Libra, which is harmonious, favoring initiatives that have to do with finances. Possible ascent to places of power. The 17 surprises!
Sagittarius: It is an optimistic sign and likes to be, but sometimes this is not enough. This year it is very difficult for him to nail down his projects, he is very anxious, and he becomes erratic and unstable to achieve objectives. They are very talented and generous, but sometimes they find it hard to accept reality. Jupiter will support you to get achievements, do not be distracted. September 6th is the quarter crescent moon in Sagittarius, consolidate and advance. From 14th is a good time for love, and increase the family, from this date onwards you will see more clearly. The 16th work news. The 19th positive meetings.
2. What will SEPTEMBER bring for the Earth Signs?
Taurus: Until September 13th there is an accumulation of planets (stellium) in the sign. We have Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Sun affecting Taurus. This situation requires that we handle ourselves with caution in the face of definitive actions or decisions in our lives. Until September 13th Venus is in harmony and will help romantic relationships. Take the opportunity to do pending medical studies or take care of your health, because the whole month will be favorable. The 9th are success in the workplace, and the 23rd may have some conflict with friendship.
Virgo: This year the Tenth House will influence Virgo, it is the house of work achievements, personal effort for growth and access to power and success. September is a very favorable month for this development. Mars will be present until October 3rd and will act positively on social and work relations. Venus will affect until the 13th in the emotional and familiar. And the Sun as we know entered the sign on August 23rd and will be until September 22nd, reinforcing its energy and vitality. If it overcomes its excessive demands in love, it will be a moment of fulfillment. Mercury increases revenue until the 13th and the month in summary, it elapses with many satisfactions and minimal shocks.
Capricorn: For mythology the Goat nursed the god Zeus, it is the most rational sign of the Zodiac, very analytical. Perhaps it is also a bit skeptical. They love to be informed, and they are not very sensitive and empathetic in the dialogue about feelings. September is a month that will allow you to achieve goals, which will make you feel much better. Mars will be in the sign until 25th, reinforcing its energy and its progress. 7th and 8th Moon in Capricorn is good for privacy. 15th and 16th possible conflicts. From the 14th do not neglect the paperwork.
3. What will SEPTEMBER bring for the Air Signs?
Gemini: A very positive month for Geminians, especially in regards to affections. Gemini is an air sign which makes it very good to interact with others and quite flexible. This avoids conflicts in general. As the Seventh House that influences unions, prosperity, alliances and conventions of all kinds, will gravitate strongly in 2019-2020. This time will be a new starting point and prosperity. On the 14th there is a conflictive moon, be careful with the documents, do not spend in excess and be kind. On the 22nd we have a waning moon in Gemini, it is ideal to get rid of what we do not want, problems, difficult relationships and small health problems. Until 14th some disagreements with the couple that are then resolved. As of 14th Mercury is in Libra and allows them profits and favorable business. The 20th rest; the 24th revenue increase. The 30th have the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venus in Libra which is harmonic: shine Gemini!
Libra: The 14th enters Venus in the sign, Venus is the regent of Libra, if they have health problems, they will benefit, everything improves. Do not neglect doctor's consultations. Mercury will be in the sign between September 14th and October 2nd. It favors clarity of thought and good decisions, especially commercial ones. From 22nd the Sun travels the sign, brings brightness, energy and creativity. Be careful on the 28th, the New Moon can hinder something, although it is an excellent time to purify. Great material benefits in the second half of September, they will be comfortable to make decisions that have been delayed.
Aquarius: Aquarius easily wins friends, has a great imagination and is in a fantastic moment. From mid-August until September and October included, they will have a harmonious planetary configuration. From 14th can define in love, not before. From October 14th to 2nd is a good stage for labor and/or economic progress. Attention with Uranus that is retrograde in Taurus, beware of bad character, bad mood, or lack of kindness. It is something they can and should control at this time when their regent is adverse. The 24th the Sun in Libra is beneficial.
4. What will SEPTEMBER bring for Water Signs?
Cancer: During this year Venus will be favoring Cancer in the love, but especially from August 21st to September 13th, Venus in Virgo, harmonious with Cancer, helps define happy situations. After 14th, they should be more careful, there may be discussions in the family or in the couple, we recommend having a good attitude, letting the water flow in the river and waiting because everything will be solved. Until mid-September there is prosperity and labor or economic achievements, it is favored by Venus, Mercury and Mars. The 23rd and 24th possible complication with feelings. The 30th returns harmony, but remember to be careful with possible deceptions and money.
Scorpio: He has a leader’s personality but Scorpio must soften his ways of relating. From the end of July until the end of October, Scorpio goes through a very good time. If there is any disagreement in the family or in the couple, until the 14th it is time to clear it. Put your best energy to do it because it's time to leave conflicts behind no matter how small. This first fortnight is also good at work, Saturn will be in Capricorn, harmonious and helps balance the economy. Do not waste and balance expenses. The 12th good ideas, the 28th and 29th interesting meeting.
Pisces: Pisces is a double sign, its ruler is Neptune, the god of the sea, who will be accompanying him until the end of the astral year. This implies that they will be more perceptive than usual and after overcoming some crises, the balance will be very good. They come from the negative mooning of August 30th, about which we have already warned you. If they took precautions, it sure didn't affect them. Pisces is a sign dear to everyone, you must to take advantage of that energy. The 14th will have a positive moon, improve the mood and have good profits. On the 21st and 22nd there may be decisions in the affective. A good month!
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