Under the gaze of the stars, some get lost in daydreams while others tread on solid ground. Let's discover the ranking of the most dreamy signs of the zodiac.
Dreams have fascinated mankind since time immemorial. They are windows to an inner world, a realm where the mind can roam freely, unbound by physical reality. For some, dreams are simply fleeting images, while for others they are deeply meaningful visions that reveal secrets of the soul.
From a psychological point of view, dreams can be interpreted as symbolic manifestations of our desires, fears, anxieties and aspirations. Sigmund Freud, the famous psychoanalyst, believed that dreams were the gateway to the unconscious, where repressed desires and inner conflicts were hidden. On the other hand, Carl Jung, his disciple, suggested that dreams could offer insights into deeper aspects of the human being, such as archetypes and the collective unconscious.
Within the framework of astrology, dreams also have a prominent place. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and tendencies, and this is reflected in the way they dream. Water signs, such as Pisces and Cancer, are naturally prone to dreaming due to their emotional and sensitive nature. Mutable signs, such as Gemini and Sagittarius, tend to be more imaginative and fluid in their thoughts, which makes them inclined to lose themselves in the dream world.
The difference in dreaming propensity among the zodiac signs can be attributed to a combination of astrological and psychological factors. For example, earth signs, such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, focus on the real and concrete because of their appreciation for stability and security. This makes them less likely to get lost in the world of dreams, as they prefer to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground.
On the other hand, fire signs, such as Aries and Leo, may have a tendency to dream more due to their impulsive and passionate nature. Their inner fire fuels their imagination and drives them to explore new horizons, both in the real world and in the world of dreams.
We break down the astrological ranking of the zodiac's most dreamy signs.
1. Pisces
Pisces is so deeply immersed in its inner world that it barely perceives the reality around it. This sign enjoys disconnecting through art or literature, immersing themselves in their own imagination. Ruled by Neptune, they give themselves completely to their passions and spend their days daydreaming, avoiding engaging with the present.
2. Cancer
Represented as a crab, Cancer prefers to stay in their own cozy world rather than face reality. Influenced by the Moon, they are extremely intuitive, which allows them to connect with other worlds, both inner and outer.
3. Sagittarius
Sagittarius, famous for their skill at evading responsibility, often become so immersed in their own worlds that they overlook the realities of others. Their constant quest for adventure leads them to fantasize about endless possibilities.
4. Gemini
Gifted with a creative and intellectual nature, Gemini's imagination runs wild, often getting lost in their own narratives. He concocts stories in his head and exhibits a talent for weaving amazing tales, defying credulity.
5. Aries
They lack self-awareness, which can lead them to ignore the truth in favor of constructing their own stories. Prone to be carried away by emotions, Aries tend to immerse themselves in their own imaginary worlds.
6. Leo
Longing for love and admiration, Leo sometimes become so immersed in their own image that they neglect the present. This way of being so much theirs places them in sixth place in the ranking of the most dreamy signs.
7. Libra
They often get carried away by the fantasies and expectations of others. This inclination places them in seventh place in the ranking of the most dreamy signs.
8. Aquarius
Gifted with an expansive mind, they are in eighth place because of their concern for the real problems that plague the world. Their intellect and real interest in the community may limit their inclination towards daydreaming.
9. Virgo
They share with Pisces a passion for creativity, but their earthy impulse cannot be ignored. They allow themselves to dream, but their mutable nature keeps them anchored in reality.
10. Scorpio
They have their moments of delirium, but tend to have a firm grip on reality. They are ambitious and connected to the reality around them.
11. Taurus
They dream mainly with their moments of relaxation and enjoy the present. Their mentality rooted in reality puts them in eleventh place in the ranking.
12. Capricorn
The embodiment of pragmatism, no one has their feet more firmly planted on the ground. This approach sometimes causes them to neglect the needs, desires and dreams of others, placing them at the bottom of the ranking.
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