According to the Chinese calendar, we would begin the lunar year 4720. Discover what this celebration is about.
The Chinese horoscope tells us that the year 2022 is the year of the Tiger. Do you want to know what the predictions are for this 2022?
"And one day we had to go back", is the typical phrase that we repeat over and over again to be able to resume our routine.
Lunar nodes are mathematical points of connection between the Moon and the Sun. In astrology they represent our life purpose. Know the predictions for 2022 through the nodes.
2022 is coming to our lives and we must be prepared for what it will bring. Find out how your beginning will be, how you will feel, and what surprises the stars have prepared for you.
2022 is coming to our lives and we must be prepared for what is to come. Find out what your start will be like, how you will feel, and what surprises the stars have in store for you.
The new year is comming in our lives and it intrigues us to know what it will bring. In this message we shed light on the main challenges each sign must face, so that you will not find yourself unprepared!
Our angers and the way we express them say a lot about us... and our zodiac sign! Find out with which one you identify with.
In the third week of April we will be celebrating the so-called Holy Week all around the world. What relationship does this date have with the Stars? Why does it always coincide with the Full Moon? We will tell you all about it up next!
The most common complaint for couples, groups of friends, and even in work related settings is: "You do not let me talk, you do not listen to me". We fill the whole void with words, we do not tolerate silence. Let's learn why.
These simple tips that you can start putting into practice today will make you feel the difference.
Chinese Horoscope Predictions week of October 21th to October 28th. If you wish to explore what forces will influence your animal, enter now.