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What Drives You Crazy According To Your Sign?

Feeling judged, ignored, being lied to, we all have something that sets off our nerves. What drives you mad? How will you react when you lose your patience? Discover the answers here , sign by sign!

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

What Is Psychomagic? Learn The Mysteries Of This Therapy

Psychomagic is a therapy created by Alejandro Jodorowsky and its goal is to heal trauma through psychomagic, reaching the unconscious. What does this mean? We will tell you all about it in the following!

Monday, 08 July 2019

What Will The Stars Bring Each Sign In The Month Of July?

July greets us with multiple astrological events: we have two new eclipses, Mercury will retrograde in Leo on July 3rd and in Cancer on the 19th, Mars will enter Leo and on the 7th will begin to retrograde. Do you know what it means for you? Find out

Friday, 05 July 2019

Total Solar Eclipse: How Will It Influence Each Sign?

The most important eclipses are solar eclipses, like the one we will be able to enjoy this upcoming July 2. What will it be like and how will it affect each sign?

Monday, 01 July 2019

The Masculine And Feminine Energy Of Each Sign

Beyond what our solar sign is, with which we usually identify ourselves, each one of us has two energies inside us, we are made of two forces: the feminine and the masculine. Discover which one governs your sign!

Friday, 21 June 2019

How Does Each Sign Do With Friendship? Strengths And Weaknesses

With our friends we can be truly sincere, laugh, get angry, and tell each other our deepest secrets. But how are you as a friend? Discover the strengths and weaknesses of each sign in regards to friendship!

Friday, 07 June 2019

What Will The Stars Have In Store For Each Sign In June?

The movement of the planets in June of 2019 brings us some tense moments, since Neptune starts to retrograde in Pisces on the 21st and the Sun enters Cancer on the same day. Do you know what it means? We will tell you all about it here, sign by sign!

Monday, 03 June 2019

Synchronicity, And Magical Coincidences

Synchronicity is a coincidence so big that we cannot believe it is coincidental or we at least intuit that the accident has a deeper meaning that we do not understand.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

The Yin And Yang, With Which Energy Do You Identify Yourself?

The Yin and Yang represent the two elements that Taoism uses to explain the harmonic forces of the universe, since the balance between them would give origin to it. Discover with which one you identify!

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Planetary Transits And How They Influence Your Life

What are planetary transits? How do they affect our lives? What does it mean that jupiter is in Sagittarius this year? We will tell you this and a lot more!

Monday, 13 May 2019

What Will The Stars Bring For Each Sign In May?

This month, the New Moon will surprise us on the 4th of May and the Full Moon will rise proud on the 18th of May, bringing us a moment of great emotional intensity. Do you know what this means for you? Here we will tell you everything, sign by sign!

Thursday, 02 May 2019

What Element In The Chinese Horoscope Are You?

Are you WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL, or WATER? Each element has traces of different personalities and body types.We will tell you how each element is related to a cardinal point, a color, a season of the year, and a form. Discover yours!

Monday, 29 April 2019