Birth Chart
The Birth Chart is divided into 12 houses and each one represents an area in our life. This is more about the dynamic with which we interact with the world. We will tell you what the 12 houses are and what they mean!
Soon after the start of the zodiac year, the New Moon will be in Aries helping us overcome frustrations. On the 19th the Full Moon will be in Libra and, at the end of the month, it will be the Lunar-Jupiter conjunct. Discover what this means to you!
March 8th is International Woman's day, and we decided to entertain them with this special message about every woman's characteristics according to their sign.
On February 5, 2019 the Year of the Pig started in Chinese Astrology. The Year of the Earth Dog ends its cycle to give way to the Year of the Earth Pig, also known as hog or swine and will last until January 24, 2020.
This therapeutic tool, also known as a divination system or method for meditation and self-knowledge, will reveal hidden fears and desires.
Who are the multimillionaires in the world and what are their signs? What are the characteristics of the signs that are most predisposed to make their fortunes?
We are near the start of a new year, and need to balance things out. There are many achievements you will see when looking back, and some pending for the year that is about to begin. We will help you be successful in your endeavors!
Sometimes we walk with too hurriedly and we do not realize the burden produced by not stopping to enjoy, even if only for a few seconds. Here are the keys to celebrating life!
Knowing the generations that make up today's society will open our minds and give us a greater understanding of their tastes, needs, and their relationship with the world.
The stars tell us that it is time to renew ourselves, we will give you five tips to transforming your home into a receptive place of good energy and positive vibrations. Get ready for what's to come!
When it comes to meeting someone and wanting to conquer their love, a kiss is the gateway to their heart. Learn how each one kisses!
It is good to think about our partners and our own particular style of fun, to see what aspects of this fun we share and where we differ, to know each other more, thinking about the good times we have together. Do you dare?